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AtteanX::Parser::RDFXML(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation AtteanX::Parser::RDFXML(3pm)


Returns the canonical media type for SPARQL XML: application/sparql-results+json.
Returns a list of media types that may be parsed with the SPARQL XML parser: application/sparql-results+json.
Returns a list of file extensions that may be parsed with the parser.
"parse_cb_from_io( $fh )"
Calls the "$parser->handler" function once for each Attean::API::Binding object that result from parsing the data read from the IO::Handle object $fh.
"parse_cb_from_bytes( $data )"
Calls the "$parser->handler" function once for each Attean::API::Binding object that result from parsing the data read from the UTF-8 encoded byte string $data.
2014-09-25 perl v5.20.1