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unix_telnet(3erl) Erlang Module Definition unix_telnet(3erl)


unix_telnet - Callback module for ct_telnet, for connecting to a telnet server on a unix host.


Callback module for ct_telnet, for connecting to a telnet server on a unix host.
It requires the following entry in the config file:
{unix,[{telnet,HostNameOrIpAddress}, {port,PortNum}, % optional {username,UserName}, {password,Password}, {keep_alive,Bool}]}. % optional
To communicate via telnet to the host specified by HostNameOrIpAddress, use the interface functions in ct_telnet, e.g. open(Name), cmd(Name,Cmd), ....
Name is the name you allocated to the unix host in your require statement. E.g.
   suite() -> [{require,Name,{unix,[telnet]}}].
The "keep alive" activity (i.e. that Common Test sends NOP to the server every 10 seconds if the connection is idle) may be enabled or disabled for one particular connection as described here. It may be disabled for all connections using telnet_settings (see ct_telnet).
Note that the {port,PortNum} tuple is optional and if omitted, default telnet port 23 will be used. Also the keep_alive tuple is optional, and the value defauls to true (enabled).


connect(ConnName, Ip, Port, Timeout, KeepAlive, Extra) -> {ok, Handle} | {error, Reason}
ConnName = target_name() (see module ct)
Ip = string() | {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}
Port = integer()
Timeout = integer()
KeepAlive = bool()
Extra = target_name() (see module ct) | {Username, Password}
Username = string()
Password = string()
Handle = handle() (see module ct_telnet)
Reason = term()
Callback for ct_telnet.erl.
Setup telnet connection to a unix host.
get_prompt_regexp() -> PromptRegexp
PromptRegexp = prompt_regexp() (see module ct_telnet)
Callback for ct_telnet.erl.
Return a suitable regexp string that will match common prompts for users on unix hosts.


ct, ct_telnet


common_test 1.8.2