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CosNotifyComm_NotifySubscribe(3erl) Erlang Module Definition CosNotifyComm_NotifySubscribe(3erl)


CosNotifyComm_NotifySubscribe - This module implements the OMG CosNotifyComm::NotifySubscribe interface.


To get access to the record definitions for the structures use:
All objects, which inherit this interface, export functions described in this module.


subscription_change(Object, Added, Removed) -> Reply
Object = #objref
Added = Removed = EventTypeSeq
EventTypeSeq = [type]
Reply = ok | {'EXCEPTION', CosNotifyComm_InvalidEventType{type}}
type = #'CosNotification_EventType'{domain_name, type_name}
domain_name = type_name = string()
This operation takes as input two sequences of event type names specifying events the client will and will not accept in the future respectively.
cosNotification 1.1.21 Ericsson AB