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turnadmin is a TURN administration tool. This tool can be used to manage the user accounts (add/remove users, generate TURN keys for the users). For security reasons, we do not recommend storing passwords openly. The better option is to use pre-processed "keys" which are then used for authentication. These keys are generated by turnadmin. Turnadmin is a link to turnserver binary, but turnadmin performs different functions.
Options note: turnadmin has long and short option names, for most options. Some options have only long form, some options have only short form. Their syntax somewhat different, if an argument is required:
The short form must be used as this (for example):
  $ turnadmin -u <username> ...
The long form equivalent must use the "=" character:
  $ turnadmin --user=<username> ...
If this is a flag option (no argument required) then their usage are the same, for example:
 $ turnadmin -k ...
is equivalent to:
 $ turnadmin --key ...
You have always the use the -r <realm> option with commands for long term credentials - because data for multiple realms can be stored in the same database.


turnadmin - a TURN relay administration tool.


$ turnadmin [command] [options]
$ turnadmin [ -h | --help]


-k, --key
Generate key for a long-term credentials mechanism user.
-a, --add
Add or update a long-term user.
-A, --add-st
Add or update a short-term credentials mechanism user.
-d, --delete
Delete a long-term user.
-D, --delete-st
Delete a short-term user.
-l, --list
List long-term users in the database.
-L, --list-st
List short-term users in the database.
-s, --set-secret=<value> Add shared secret for TURN RESP API
-S, --show-secret
Show stored shared secrets for TURN REST API
-X, --delete-secret=<value> Delete a shared secret.
Delete all shared secrets for REST API.
-O, --add-origin
Add origin-to-realm relation.
-R, --del-origin
Delete origin-to-realm relation.
-I, --list-origins
List origin-to-realm relations.
-g, --set-realm-option
Set realm params: max-bps, total-quota, user-quota.
-G, --list-realm-options
List realm params.
NOTE: if you are using the flat file for the user database, then you will have to use a text editor to set or show the shared secrets.
NOTE: the origin functionality is not supported with flat user db file, a "real" database must be used.
Options with required values:
-b, --userdb
File-based user database file name (default - turnuserdb.conf). See the --userdb option in the turnserver section.
-e, --psql-userdb
PostgreSQL user database connection string. See the --psql-userdb option in the turnserver section.
-M, --mysql-userdb
MySQL user database connection string. See the --mysql-userdb option in the turnserver section.
-J, --mongo-userdb
MongoDB user database connection string. See the --mysql-mongo option in the turnserver section.
-N, --redis-userdb
Redis user database connection string. See the --redis-userdb option in the turnserver section.
-u, --user
User name.
-r, --realm
Realm, for long-term credentials mechanism only.
-p, --password
-o, --origin
-H, --sha256
Use SHA256 as the keys hash function (a non-standard feature). By default, MD5 is used for the key storage encryption (as required by the current STUN/TURNstandards).
Set value of realm's max-bps parameter.
Set value of realm's total-quota parameter.
Set value of realm's user-quota parameter.
-h, --help
Generate a key:
$ turnadmin -k -u <username> -r <realm> -p <password>
Add/update a user in the userdb file or in the database:
$ turnadmin -a [-b <userdb-file> | -e <db-connection-string> | -M <db-connection-string> | -N <db-connection-string> ] -u <username> -r <realm> -p <password>
Delete a user from the userdb file or from the database:
$ turnadmin -d [-b <userdb-file> | -e <db-connection-string> | -M <db-connection-string> | -N <db-connection-string> ] -u <username> -r <realm>
List all long-term users in MySQL database:
$ turnadmin -l --mysql-userdb="<db-connection-string>" -r <realm>
List all short-term users in Redis database:
$ turnadmin -L --redis-userdb="<db-connection-string>"
Set secret in MySQL database:
$ turnadmin -s <secret> --mysql-userdb="<db-connection-string>" -r <realm>
Show secret stored in PostgreSQL database:
$ turnadmin -S --psql-userdb="<db-connection-string>" -r <realm>
Set origin-to-realm relation in MySQL database:
$ turnadmin --mysql-userdb="<db-connection-string>" -r <realm> -o <origin>
Delete origin-to-realm relation from Redis DB:
$ turnadmin --redis-userdb="<db-connection-string>" -o <origin>
List all origin-to-realm relations in Redis DB:
$ turnadmin --redis-userdb="<db-connection-string>" -I
List the origin-to-realm relations in PostgreSQL DB for a single realm:
$ turnadmin --psql-userdb="<db-connection-string>" -I -r <realm>
$ turnadmin -h


After installation, run the command:
$ man turnadmin
or in the project root directory:
$ man -M man turnadmin
to see the man page.




/usr/local/share/ turnserver
/usr/local/share/doc/ turnserver
/usr/local/share/examples/ turnserver


turnserver, turnutils


project page:
Wiki page:


Oleg Moskalenko <>
Gabor Kovesdan
Daniel Pocock
John Selbie (
Lee Sylvester <>
Erik Johnston <>
Roman Lisagor <>
Vladimir Tsanev <>
Po-sheng Lin <>
Peter Dunkley <>
Mutsutoshi Yoshimoto <>
Federico Pinna <>
Bradley T. Hughes <>
28 September 2014