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SUMO(1) User Commands SUMO(1)


SUMO - Road network generator for the microscopic road traffic simulation SUMO


netgenerate [ OPTION]*


SUMO netgenerate Version 0.28.0
Copyright (C) 2001-2016 DLR and contributors;
Road network generator for the microscopic road traffic simulation SUMO.
Either "--grid", "--spider" or "--rand" must be supplied.
In dependance to these switches other options are used.

Configuration Options:

-c, --configuration-file FILE
Loads the named config on startup
--save-configuration FILE
Saves current configuration into FILE
--save-template FILE
Saves a configuration template (empty) into FILE
--save-schema FILE
Saves the configuration schema into FILE
Adds comments to saved template, configuration, or schema

Grid Network Options:

-g, --grid
Forces NETGEN to build a grid-like network
--grid.number INT
The number of junctions in both dirs
--grid.length FLOAT
The length of streets in both dirs
--grid.x-number INT
The number of junctions in x-dir; Overrides --grid-number
--grid.y-number INT
The number of junctions in y-dir; Overrides --grid-number
--grid.x-length FLOAT
The length of horizontal streets; Overrides --grid-length
--grid.y-length FLOAT
The length of vertical streets; Overrides --grid-length
--grid.attach-length FLOAT
The length of streets attached at the boundary; 0 means no streets are attached
The Ids of generated nodes use letters for the X axis

Spider Network Options:

-s, --spider
Forces NETGEN to build a spider-net-like network
--spider.arm-number INT
The number of axes within the net INT
The number of circles of the net FLOAT
The distances between the circles
Omit the central node of the network

Random Network Options:

-r, --rand
Forces NETGEN to build a random network
--rand.iterations INT
Describes how many times an edge shall be added to the net
--rand.bidi-probability FLOAT
Defines the probability to build a reverse edge
--rand.max-distance FLOAT
The maximum distance for each edge
--rand.min-distance FLOAT
The minimum distance for each edge
--rand.min-angle FLOAT
The minimum angle for each pair of (bidirectional) roads
--rand.num-tries INT
The number of tries for creating each node
--rand.connectivity FLOAT
Probability for roads to continue at each node
--rand.neighbor-dist1 FLOAT
Probability for a node having exactly 1 neighbor
--rand.neighbor-dist2 FLOAT
Probability for a node having exactly 2 neighbors
--rand.neighbor-dist3 FLOAT
Probability for a node having exactly 3 neighbors
--rand.neighbor-dist4 FLOAT
Probability for a node having exactly 4 neighbors
--rand.neighbor-dist5 FLOAT
Probability for a node having exactly 5 neighbors
--rand.neighbor-dist6 FLOAT
Probability for a node having exactly 6 neighbors

Output Options:

--output-prefix STR
Prefix which is applied to all output files. The special string 'TIME' is replaced by the current time.
-o, --output-file FILE
The generated net will be written to FILE
--plain-output-prefix FILE
Prefix of files to write plain xml nodes, edges and connections to
--junctions.join-output FILE
Writes information about joined junctions to FILE (can be loaded as additional node-file to reproduce joins
--amitran-output FILE
The generated net will be written to FILE using Amitran format
--matsim-output FILE
The generated net will be written to FILE using MATsim format
--opendrive-output FILE
The generated net will be written to FILE using OpenDRIVE format
--dlr-navteq-output FILE
The generated net will be written to dlr-navteq files with the given PREFIX
Street names will be included in the output (if available)
Writes original names, if given, as parameter
--street-sign-output FILE
Writes street signs as POIs to FILE

TLS Building Options:

--tls.set STR
Interprets STR as list of junctions to be controlled by TLS
--tls.unset STR
Interprets STR as list of junctions to be not controlled by TLS
Turns on TLS guessing
Includes node clusters into guess
Tries to cluster tls-controlled nodes
--tls.join-dist FLOAT
Determines the maximal distance for joining traffic lights (defaults to 20)
Do not control edges that lie fully within a joined traffic light. This may cause collisions but allows old traffic light plans to be used
--tls.cycle.time INT
Use INT as cycle duration INT
Use INT as green phase duration
-D, --tls.yellow.min-decel FLOAT
Defines smallest vehicle deceleration
Given yellow times are patched even if being too short
--tls.yellow.time INT
Set INT as fixed time for yellow phase durations
--tls.left-green.time INT
Use INT as green phase duration for left turns (s). Setting this value to 0 disables additional left-turning phases
--tls.half-offset STR
TLSs in STR will be shifted by half-phase
--tls.quarter-offset STR
TLSs in STR will be shifted by quarter-phase
--tls.default-type STR
TLSs with unspecified type will use STR as their algorithm

Edge Removal Options:

--keep-edges.min-speed FLOAT
Only keep edges with speed in meters/second > FLOAT
--remove-edges.explicit STR
Remove edges in STR
--keep-edges.explicit STR
Only keep edges in STR
--keep-edges.input-file FILE
Only keep edges in FILE (Each id on a single line. Selection files from SUMO-GUI are also supported)
--remove-edges.input-file FILE
Remove edges in FILE. (Each id on a single line. Selection files from SUMO-GUI are also supported) STR
Only keep edges which are located within the given boundary (given either as CARTESIAN corner coordinates <xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax> or as polygon <x0,y0,x1,y1,...>) STR
Only keep edges which are located within the given boundary (given either as GEODETIC corner coordinates <lon-min,lat-min,lon-max,lat-max> or as polygon <lon0,lat0,lon1,lat1,...>)

Unregulated Nodes Options:

All nodes will be unregulated
--keep-nodes-unregulated.explicit STR
Do not regulate nodes in STR
Do not regulate district nodes

Processing Options:

Omits internal links
Remaps alphanumerical IDs of nodes and edges to ensure that all IDs are integers
Disables building turnarounds
Disables building turnarounds at tls-controlled junctions
Disables building connections to left
Turn off normalizing node positions
--offset.x FLOAT
Adds FLOAT to net x-positions
--offset.y FLOAT
Adds FLOAT to net y-positions
Flips the y-coordinate along zero
Enable roundabout-guessing
Enable guessing of opposite direction lanes usable for overtaking
Assumes left-hand traffic on the network
Merges edges which connect the same nodes and are close to each other (recommended for VISSIM import)
Joins junctions that are close to each other (recommended for OSM import)
--junctions.join-dist FLOAT
Determines the maximal distance for joining junctions (defaults to 10)
--junctions.corner-detail INT
Generate INT intermediate points to smooth out intersection corners
--junctions.internal-link-detail INT
Generate INT intermediate points to smooth out lanes within the intersection
--junctions.scurve-stretch FLOAT
Generate longer intersections to allow for smooth s-curves when the number of lanes changes
Forces rectangular cuts between lanes and intersections
Allow driving onto a multi-lane road if there are foes on other lanes (at roundabouts)
Allow driving onto a multi-lane road if there are foes on other lanes (everywhere)
Guess pedestrian sidewalks based on edge speed
--sidewalks.guess.max-speed FLOAT
Add sidewalks for edges with a speed equal or below the given limit
--sidewalks.guess.min-speed FLOAT
Add sidewalks for edges with a speed above the given limit
Add sidewalks for edges that allow pedestrians on any of their lanes regardless of speed
--sidewalks.guess.exclude STR
Do not guess sidewalks for the given list of edges
Guess pedestrian crossings based on the presence of sidewalks
--crossings.guess.speed-threshold FLOAT
At uncontrolled nodes, do not build crossings across edges with a speed above the threshold

Building Defaults Options:

-L, --default.lanenumber INT
The default number of lanes in an edge
--default.lanewidth FLOAT
The default width of lanes
-S, --default.speed FLOAT
The default speed on an edge (in m/s)
-P, --default.priority INT
The default priority of an edge
--default.sidewalk-width FLOAT
The default width of added sidewalks
--default.disallow STR
The default for disallowed vehicle classes
Whether junctions should be kept clear by default
--default.junctions.radius FLOAT
The default turning radius of intersections
-j, --default-junction-type STR
[traffic_light|priority|right_before_left] Determines the type of the build junctions

Report Options:

-v, --verbose
Switches to verbose output
Prints option values before processing
-?, --help
Prints this screen
-V, --version
Prints the current version
-X, --xml-validation STR
Set schema validation scheme of XML inputs ("never", "auto" or "always") STR
Set schema validation scheme of SUMO network inputs ("never", "auto" or "always")
-W, --no-warnings
Disables output of warnings
-l, --log FILE
Writes all messages to FILE (implies verbose)
--message-log FILE
Writes all non-error messages to FILE (implies verbose)
--error-log FILE
Writes all warnings and errors to FILE

Random Number Options:

Initialises the random number generator with the current system time
--seed INT
Initialises the random number generator with the given value


netgenerate -c <CONFIGURATION>
create net from given configuration
netgenerate --grid [grid-network options] -o <OUTPUTFILE>
create grid net
netgenerate --spider [spider-network options] -o <OUTPUTFILE>
create spider net
netgenerate --rand [random-network options] -o <OUTPUTFILE>
create random net


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Build features: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu InternalLanes DoublePrecision TRACI PROJ GDAL GUI
Copyright (C) 2001-2016 DLR and contributors;
SUMO netgenerate Version 0.28.0 is part of SUMO.
SUMO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
March 2017 SUMO netgenerate Version 0.28.0