table of contents
- bookworm 4.13.1-4
- testing 5.2.0-3
- unstable 5.3.0-1
- experimental 5.3.0-1~exp2
Attr_helper(3o) | OCaml library | Attr_helper(3o) |
Attr_helper - Helpers for attributes
Module Attr_helper
Module Attr_helper
: sig end
Helpers for attributes
Warning: this module is unstable and part of Compiler_libs .
type error =
| Multiple_attributes of string
| No_payload_expected of string
val get_no_payload_attribute : string -> Parsetree.attributes -> string Asttypes.loc option
The string argument of the following functions is the name of the attribute we are looking for. If the argument is "foo" , these functions will find attributes with the name "foo" or ""
val has_no_payload_attribute : string -> Parsetree.attributes -> bool
exception Error of Location.t * error
val report_error : error Format_doc.format_printer
val report_error_doc : error Format_doc.printer
2025-01-15 | OCamldoc |