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MRCAL(1) mrcal: camera projection, calibration toolkit MRCAL(1)


mrcal-show-geometry - Displays the calibration-time geometry: the cameras and the observed objects


  $ mrcal-show-geometry *.cameramodel
  ... a plot pops up showing the camera arrangement


This tool visualizes the relative geometry between several cameras and the calibration objects they observed when computing the calibration.



  models                Camera models to visualize. Any N cameras can be given


  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --axis-scale AXIS_SCALE
                        Scale for the camera axes. By default a reasonable
                        default is chosen (see mrcal.show_geometry() for the
  --title TITLE         Title string for the plot
  --hardcopy HARDCOPY   Write the output to disk, instead of making an
                        interactive plot. The output filename is given in the
  --terminal TERMINAL   The gnuplotlib terminal. The default is almost always
                        right, so most people don't need this option
  --show-calobjects     If given, draw the calibration object observations
                        from the FIRST given camera model that contains the
                        optimization_inputs. Unlike --show-calobjects-
                        thiscamera, this option displays the calibration
                        objects observed by ALL cameras at calibration time.
                        Exclusive with --show-calobjects-thiscamera
                        If given, draw the calibration object observations
                        from the FIRST given camera model that contains the
                        optimization_inputs. Unlike --show-calobjects, this
                        option displays the calibration objects observed ONLY
                        by the FIRST camera at calibration time. Exclusive
                        with --show-calobjects
  --show-points         If given, draw the point observations from the FIRST
                        given camera model that contains the
                        optimization_inputs. Unlike --show-points-thiscamera,
                        this option displays the points observed by ALL
                        cameras at calibration time. Exclusive with --show-
                        If given, draw the point observations from the FIRST
                        given camera model that contains the
                        optimization_inputs. Unlike --show-points, this option
                        displays the calibration objects observed ONLY by the
                        FIRST camera at calibration time. Exclusive with
  --transforms TRANSFORMS
                        Optional transforms.txt. This is a legacy file
                        representing an extra transformation for each camera
                        pair. If you need this, you know what it is
  --set SET             Extra 'set' directives to pass to gnuplotlib. May be
                        given multiple times
  --unset UNSET         Extra 'unset' directives to pass to gnuplotlib. May be
                        given multiple times




Dima Kogan, "<>"


Copyright (c) 2017-2021 California Institute of Technology ("Caltech"). U.S. Government sponsorship acknowledged. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); You may obtain a copy of the License at
2024-02-04 mrcal 2.3-4.1~exp1