- bookworm 1.23.1-1
BSON documents are created using the bson_t structure. This structure encapsulates the necessary logic for encoding using the BSON Specification. At the core, bson_t is a buffer manager and set of encoding routines.
Let's start by creating a new BSON document on the stack. Whenever using libbson, make sure you #include <bson/bson.h>.
bson_t b; bson_init (&b);
This creates an empty document. In JSON, this would be the same as {}.
We can now proceed to adding items to the BSON document. A variety of functions prefixed with bson_append_ can be used based on the type of field you want to append. Let's append a UTF-8 encoded string.
bson_append_utf8 (&b, "key", -1, "value", -1);
Notice the two -1 parameters. The first indicates that the length of key in bytes should be determined with strlen(). Alternatively, we could have passed the number 3. The same goes for the second -1, but for value.
Libbson provides macros to make this less tedious when using string literals. The following two appends are identical.
bson_append_utf8 (&b, "key", -1, "value", -1); BSON_APPEND_UTF8 (&b, "key", "value");
Now let's take a look at an example that adds a few different field types to a BSON document.
bson_t b = BSON_INITIALIZER; BSON_APPEND_INT32 (&b, "a", 1); BSON_APPEND_UTF8 (&b, "hello", "world"); BSON_APPEND_BOOL (&b, "bool", true);
Notice that we omitted the call to bson_init(). By specifying BSON_INITIALIZER we can remove the need to initialize the structure to a base state.
To simplify the creation of sub-documents bson_append_document_begin() can be used to build a sub-document using the parent's memory region as the destination buffer.
bson_t parent = BSON_INITIALIZER; bson_t child; bson_append_document_begin (&parent, "foo", 3, &child); bson_append_int32 (&child, "baz", 3, 1); bson_append_document_end (&parent, &child); char *str = bson_as_relaxed_extended_json (&parent, NULL); printf ("%s\n", str); // Prints: { "foo" : { "baz" : 1 } } bson_free (str); bson_destroy (&parent);
To simplify the creation of sub-arrays bson_array_builder_t can be used to build a sub-array using the parent's memory region as the destination buffer.
bson_t parent = BSON_INITIALIZER; bson_array_builder_t *bab; bson_append_array_builder_begin (&parent, "foo", 3, &bab); bson_array_builder_append_int32 (bab, 9); bson_array_builder_append_int32 (bab, 8); bson_array_builder_append_int32 (bab, 7); bson_append_array_builder_end (&parent, bab); char *str = bson_as_relaxed_extended_json (&parent, NULL); printf ("%s\n", str); // Prints: { "foo" : [ 9, 8, 7 ] } bson_free (str); bson_destroy (&parent);
Creating BSON documents by hand can be tedious and time consuming. BCON, or BSON C Object Notation, was added to allow for the creation of BSON documents in a format that looks closer to the destination format.
The following example shows the use of BCON. Notice that values for fields are wrapped in the BCON_* macros. These are required for the variadic processor to determine the parameter type.
bson_t *doc; doc = BCON_NEW ("foo",
BCON_INT32 (1),
BCON_INT32 (100),
BCON_UTF8 ("value"),
Creates the following document
{ "foo" : { "int" : 1, "array" : [ 100, { "sub" : "value" } ] } }
MongoDB, Inc
2017-present, MongoDB, Inc
February 25, 2024 | 1.26.0 |