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sprio(1) Slurm Commands sprio(1)


sprio - view the factors that comprise a job's scheduling priority


sprio [OPTIONS...]


sprio is used to view the components of a job's scheduling priority when the multi-factor priority plugin is installed. sprio is a read-only utility that extracts information from the multi-factor priority plugin. By default, sprio returns information for all pending jobs. Options exist to display specific jobs by job ID and user name.


Show jobs in federation if a member of one.

-h, --noheader
Do not print a header on the output.

Print a help message describing all options sprio.

-j <job_id_list>, --jobs=<job_id_list>
Requests a comma separated list of job ids to display. Defaults to all jobs. Since this option's argument is optional, for proper parsing the single letter option must be followed immediately with the value and not include a space between them. For example "-j1008,1009" and not "-j 1008,1009".

Show only jobs local to this cluster. Ignore other clusters in this federation (if any). Overrides --federation.

-l, --long
Report more of the available information for the selected jobs.

-M, --clusters=<string>
The cluster to issue commands to. Only one cluster name may be specified. Note that the SlurmDBD must be up for this option to work properly. This option implicitly sets the --local option.

-n, --norm
Display the normalized priority factors for the selected jobs.

-o <output_format>, --format=<output_format>
Specify the information to be displayed, its size and position (right or left justified). The default formats when all factors have been assigned non-zero weights are

"%.15i %9r %.10Y %.10A %.10F %.10J %.10P %.10Q %20T"
-l, --long
"%.15i %9r %.8u %.10Y %.10A %.10F %.10J %.10P %.10Q %.6N %20T"

The format of each field is "%[.][size]type".
is the minimum field size. If no size is specified, whatever is needed to print the information will be used.
indicates the output should be left justified. By default, output is right justified.

Valid type specifications include:

Normalized age priority
Weighted age priority
Cluster name. Only applicable for federated clusters
Normalized fair-share priority
Weighted fair-share priority
Job ID
Normalized job size priority
Weighted job size priority
Nice adjustment
Normalized partition priority
Weighted partition priority
Partition name
Normalized quality of service priority
Weighted quality of service priority
Normalized TRES priorities
Weighted TRES priorities
User name for a job
Job priority
Normalized job priority

-p <partition_list>, --partition=<partition_list>
Requests a comma separated list of partitions to display. Defaults to all partitions.

Show all sibling jobs on a federated cluster. Without this option in a federated cluster, each job in each partition will have its priority and its components reported for only one cluster. Each sibling job on the various clusters in the federation may have different priority, which will not be reported without using this option. Implicitly adds "%c" (cluster name) to the output format.

-u <user_list>, --user=<user_list>
Request jobs from a comma separated list of users. The list can consist of user names or user id numbers.

Print a brief help message listing the sprio options.

-v, --verbose
Report details of sprios actions.

-V , --version
Print version information and exit.

-w , --weights Display the configured weights for each
factor. This is for information purposes only. Actual job data is suppressed.


If no corresponding commandline option is specified, sprio will use the value of the following environment variables.
Same as --clusters
The location of the Slurm configuration file.

Same as --federation

Same as --local

Same as --sibling


Print the list of all pending jobs with their weighted priorities
> sprio JOBID PRIORITY AGE FAIRSHARE JOBSIZE PARTITION QOS 65539 62664 0 51664 1000 10000 0 65540 62663 0 51663 1000 10000 0 65541 62662 0 51662 1000 10000 0

Print the list of all pending jobs with their normalized priorities
> sprio -n JOBID PRIORITY AGE FAIRSHARE JOBSIZE PARTITION QOS 65539 0.00001459 0.0007180 0.5166470 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000 65540 0.00001459 0.0007180 0.5166370 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000 65541 0.00001458 0.0007180 0.5166270 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000

Print the job priorities for specific jobs
> sprio --jobs=65548,65547 JOBID PRIORITY AGE FAIRSHARE JOBSIZE PARTITION QOS 65547 62078 0 51078 1000 10000 0 65548 62077 0 51077 1000 10000 0

Print the job priorities for jobs of specific users
> sprio --users=fred,sally JOBID USER PRIORITY AGE FAIRSHARE JOBSIZE PARTITION QOS 65548 fred 62079 1 51077 1000 10000 0 65549 sally 62080 1 51078 1000 10000 0

Print the configured weights for each priority component
> sprio -w JOBID PRIORITY AGE FAIRSHARE JOBSIZE PARTITION QOS Weights 1000 100000 1000 10000 1


Copyright (C) 2009 Lawrence Livermore National Security. Produced at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (cf, DISCLAIMER).
Copyright (C) 2010-2017 SchedMD LLC.

This file is part of Slurm, a resource management program. For details, see <>.

Slurm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Slurm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.


squeue(1), sshare(1)
Slurm Commands March 2017