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S-TUI(1) User Commands S-TUI(1)


s-tui - curses-based cpu monitoring


usage: s-tui [-h] [-d] [--debug-file DEBUG_FILE] [-c] [--csv-file CSV_FILE] [-t] [-j] [-nm] [-v] [-ct CUSTOM_TEMP] [-tt T_THRESH] [-cf CUSTOM_FAN]

TUI interface:

The side bar houses the controls for the displayed graphs. At the bottom of the side bar, more information is presented in text form.

* Use the arrow keys or 'hjkl' to navigate the side bar

* Toggle between stressed and regular operation using the radio buttons in 'Modes'.

* If you wish to alternate stress defaults, you can do it in 'Stress options'

* Select a different temperature sensors from the 'Temp Sensors' menu

* Change time between updates using the 'Refresh' field

* Use the <Reset> button to reset graphs and statistics

* Toggle displayed graphs by selecting the [X] check box

* If a sensor is not available on your system, N/A is presented

* If your system supports it, you can use the utf8 button to get a smoother graph

* Press 'q' or the <quit> button to quit

* Run `s-tui --help` to get this message and additional cli options

optional arguments:

-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-d, --debug
Output debug log to _s-tui.log
--debug-file DEBUG_FILE
Use a custom debug file. Default: _s-tui.log
-c, --csv
Save stats to csv file
--csv-file CSV_FILE
Use a custom CSV file. Default: s-tui_log_<TIME>.csv
-t, --terminal
Display a single line of stats without tui
-j, --json
Display a single line of stats in JSON format
-nm, --no-mouse
Disable Mouse for TTY systems
-v, --version
Display version
-ct CUSTOM_TEMP, --custom_temp CUSTOM_TEMP
Custom temperature sensors. The format is: <sensors>,<number> As it appears in 'sensors' e.g > sensors it8792-isa-0a60, temp1: +47.0C temp2: +35.0C temp3: +37.0C
use: -ct it8792,0 for temp 1
-tt T_THRESH, --t_thresh T_THRESH
High Temperature threshold. Default: 80
-cf CUSTOM_FAN, --custom_fan CUSTOM_FAN
Similar to custom temp e.g >sensors thinkpad-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter fan1: 1975 RPM
use: -cf thinkpad,0 for fan1


s-tui bug tracker:


This manual page was written by Jonathan Carter <> S-tui was written by Alex Manuskin and contributors.
August 2018 s-tui 0.7.6 - (C) 2017-2018 Alex Manuskin, Gil Tsuker