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pyocd-gdbserver - ARM Cortex-M programming tool


pyocd-gdbserver is an ARM Cortex-M programming tool


pyOCD is an Open Source python based library for programming and debugging ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers using CMSIS-DAP.

Includes support for flashing new binaries, resetting the device, halt, step, resume read/write memory and set/remove breakpoints.


Firmware files included in the upstream source are NOT included in the Debian package due to a lack of source code. Target files can be downloaded separately from

Available targets for use with --target option: lpc824, kinetis, w7500, kv11z7, lpc4088qsb, kv10z7, k20d50m, ncs36510, kl28z, kl25z, k82f25615, k28f15, maxwsnenv, max32600mbed, k22fa12, lpc4088, lpc4330, ke18f16, kl46z, stm32f103rc, kl82z7, lpc54114, kl43z4, kl26z, lpc11xx_32, lpc800, rtl8195am, kl05z, lpc1768, kw41z4, lpc4088dm, stm32f051, cortex_m, lpc11u24, kl02z, kw01z4, k64f, k22f, ke15z7, nrf51, nrf52, kl27z4, kw40z4, k66f18


usage: pyocd-gdbserver [-h] [--version] [-p PORT_NUMBER] [-T TELNET_PORT] [--allow-remote] [-b BOARD_ID] [-l] [--list-targets]
[--json] [-d LEVEL] [-t TARGET] [-n] [-r] [-C VECTOR_CATCH] [-s] [-f FREQUENCY] [-o] [-bh] [-ce | -se] [-u] [-hp] [-fp] [-S] [-G] [-c CMD [CMD ...]] [-da DAPARG [DAPARG ...]]

PyOCD GDB Server

optional arguments:
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
show program's version number and exit
Write the port number that GDB server will open.
Specify the telnet port for semihosting.
Allow remote TCP/IP connections (default is no).
-b BOARD_ID, --board BOARD_ID
Connect to board by board id. Use -l to list all connected boards.
-l, --list
List all connected boards.
List all available targets.
Output lists in JSON format. Only applies to --list and --list-targets.
-d LEVEL, --debug LEVEL
Set the level of system logging output. Supported choices are: debug, info, warning, critical, error
-t TARGET, --target TARGET
Override target to debug. -n, --nobreak Disable halt at hardfault handler. (Deprecated)
-r, --reset-break
Halt the target when reset. (Deprecated)

-C VECTOR_CATCH, --vector-catch VECTOR_CATCH Enable vector catch sources, one letter per enabled source in any order, or 'all' or 'none'. (h=hard
fault, b=bus fault, m=mem fault, i=irq err, s=state err, c=check err, p=nocp, r=reset, a=all, n=none). (Default is hard fault.)

-s, --step-int
Allow single stepping to step into interrupts.
Set the SWD clock frequency in Hz.
-o, --persist
Keep GDB server running even after remote has detached.
-bh, --soft-bkpt-as-hard
Replace software breakpoints with hardware breakpoints.
-ce, --chip_erase
Use chip erase when programming.
-se, --sector_erase
Use sector erase when programming.
-u, --unlock
Unlock the device.
-hp, --hide_progress
Don't display programming progress.
-fp, --fast_program
Use only the CRC of each page to determine if it already has the same data.
-S, --semihosting
Enable semihosting.
-G, --gdb-syscall
Use GDB syscalls for semihosting file I/O.

-c CMD [CMD ...], --command CMD [CMD ...] Run command (OpenOCD compatibility).

-da DAPARG [DAPARG ...], --daparg DAPARG [DAPARG ...] Send setting to DAPAccess layer.


2006-2013 ARM Limited