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progendef - extract MCU definitions for use with progen


progendef create -m MCU -t TOOL -f PROJECT_FILE


progendef is used to extract progen-compatible MCU definitions from project files generated by supported tool (e.g. IAR, CoIDE). Once generated, new MCU definitions can be used by progen to generate project files for other supported tools.


-m MCU
target MCU name (generated file will be called MCU.yaml)
tool that generated project file (uVision, IAR, CoIDE)
embedded project file to extract MCU data from (generated by specified tool)


progendef (and progen) uses YAML syntax for TARGETS, MCU and TOOL definitions.


progendef extracts the information needed to create a new YAML MCU definition file.

A progen target consists of: - a target YAML file (see TARGETS section) - an MCU YAML file (see MCU section)

Target files can be defined and should be placed inside project_generator_definitions/target. MCU files are created by progendef.


To generalize MCUs, there are target definitions available. The target name does not change based on the tool used. We provide a dictionary where we can define a target with mcu, for instance:

    'arch-ble': 'mcu/nordic/nrf51',


Such a project can then use either arch-ble as a target, or nrf51 (mcu).


An MCU record defines the basic information about the mcu and specific settings for each tool. The example below shows the uvision settings for the lpc1768 mcu. These specific data can either be manually extracted from a project file, or you can use the progendef command to create the YAML file for you.

If you are adding a new mcu, please follow the uvision naming policy for MCUs for consistency.

        - nxp
        - lpc1768
        - cortex-m3
                - LPC1768
                - NXP
                - IRAM(0x10000000-0x10007FFF) IRAM2(0x2007C000-0x20083FFF) IROM(0-0x7FFFF) CLOCK(12000000) CPUTYPE("Cortex-M3")
                - UL2CM3(-O463 -S0 -C0 -FO7 -FD10000000 -FC800 -FN1 -FF0LPC_IAP_512 -FS00 -FL080000)
                - 4868
                - SFD\NXP\LPC176x5x\LPC176x5x.SFR


The data given in the mcu and target definitions use lowercase. The files are stored within this directory for consistency. Tool-specific data follows the tools definitions.



There are two supported version of uVision. uvision (defaults: uvision4) and uvision5. uVision 5 uses software packs, and it is compatible with the older version via legacy devices. Define legacy device as uvision/uvision4.

                - LPC1768
                - NXP
                - IRAM(0x10000000-0x10007FFF) IRAM2(0x2007C000-0x20083FFF) IROM(0-0x7FFFF) CLOCK(12000000) CPUTYPE("Cortex-M3")
                - UL2CM3(-O463 -S0 -C0 -FO7 -FD10000000 -FC800 -FN1 -FF0LPC_IAP_512 -FS00 -FL080000)
                - 4868
                - SFD\NXP\LPC176x5x\LPC176x5x.SFR


All information in the code above are from a uVision project. All attributes need to be filled in, in order to get a proper working target in the project file and the correct flash algorithms for the target.

So, how do we get all this information for a new mcu? We create a new project in uVision, select your target, and save the project. Then open the project in a text editor, and look for attributes inside TargetOption, as `Device', `Vendor', etc.

Once you have specified all required information, test to build your project and check if the correct target is set in the uVision project.


                - LPC1768 NXP LPC1768
                - 1


In the code above, LPC1768 is defined. To add a new target, create a new project in IAR, select your desired target, save the project. Then either use progendef to extract information or manually open the project in a text editor, and find the attribute OGChipSelectEditMenu. OGCoreOrChip should be set to 1, as Chip will be used. Be careful with OGChipSelectEditMenu, as it should be exact as in origin project.

Once you specified all needed information, test to build your project and check if the correct target is set in the IAR project.


                - 7
                - NXP
                - 165
                - LPC1768
                - lpc17xx_512.elf
                    - IROM1
                    - 0x00080000
                    - 0x00000000
                    - ReadOnly
                    - IRAM1
                    - 0x00008000
                    - 0x10000000
                    - ReadWrite
                    - IROM2
                    - 0x0
                    - 0x0
                    - ReadOnly
                    - IROM2
                    - 0x00008000
                    - 0x2007C000
                    - ReadWrite


LPC1768 MCU is defined above for CoIDE. To add a new target, create a new project in CoIDE, select your target, save the project. Then either use progendef to extract information or manually open the project file (.coproj) in a text editor, and search for all the information which is above. It's required to set the target properly. There is information about ROM/RAM sizes, Flash algorithm used and Id numbers for the target.


An example for creating mcu.yaml for lpc1768, from a project file lpc1768_blinky.ewp (IAR)

progendef create -m lpc1768 -t iar -f lpc1768_blinky.ewp


This creates lpc1768.yaml file in the current directory. This file should be placed in project_generator_definitions/mcu. There should be a vendor folder, and MCU file inside.


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Copyright (c) 2015 Martin Kojtal


This manual page is based on the progendef documentation. It was created by Nick Morrott <> for the Debian GNU/Linux system, but may be used by others


valinor(1), progen(1)

Project Generator examples:

December 2018 0.2.38