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mbedhtrun - flash, reset and perform host-supervised tests on Mbed platforms


mbedhtrun --image-path FLASH_FILE --micro MICRO

              --port PORT --disk TARGET_PATH

             [--target-id TARGET_ID] [--sync SYNC]

             [--sync-timeout TIMEOUT] [--copy METHOD]

             [--retry-copy ATTEMPTS] [--tag-filters FILTERS]

             [--reset] [--program_cycle_s** TIMEOUT]

             [--reset-timeout TIMEOUT] [--process-start-timeout TIMEOUT]

             [--polling-timeout TIMEOUT]

             [--enum-host-tests DIR] [--test-cfg FILE]

             [--run] [--skip-flashing] [**--skip-reset]

             [--send-break] [--baud-rate** BAUD_RATE]

             [--serial-output-file FILE] [--compare-log FILE]


mbedhtrun –-list

mbedhtrun –-plugins

mbedhtrun –-version

mbedhtrun –-help


mbedhtrun supports flashing, resetting and testing of Mbed Enabled devices from the command line.

Whilst test automation tools such as mbed-test-wrapper can provide automated flashing and testing of Mbed devices, mbedhtrun provides a simple and convenient CLI to flash, reset and test devices directly.


-m, --micro MICRO
target microcontroller name
-p, --port PORT
serial port of the target
-d, --disk TARGET_PATH
target disk (mount point) path
-t, --target-id TARGET_ID
unique Target ID or Mbed platform
--sync SYNC
how many times __sync packet will be sent to device (0: none; -1: forever; 1,2,3...: number of times; default: 2)
--sync-timeout TIMEOUT
delay in seconds between __sync packet (default: 5)
-f, --image-path FLASH_FILE
path with target's binary image
-c, --copy METHOD
copy (flash the target) method selector
--retry-copy ATTEMPTS
number of attempts to flash the target (default: 3)
--tag-filters FILTERS
comma-separated list of device tags used when allocating a target to specify required hardware or attributes [–tag-filters tag1,tag2]
-r, --reset
force different type of reset
-C, --program_cycle_s TIMEOUT
duration for program to sleep after copying binary onto target (default: 4)
-R, --reset-timeout TIMEOUT
when forcing a reset (with -r), specify a post-reset idle delay in seconds (default: 1)
--process-start-timeout TIMEOUT
set maximum time (seconds) to wait for an internal process to start (default: 60)
-e, --enum-host-tests DIR
define directory with local host tests (default: ./test/host_tests)
--test-cfg FILE
specify test class data about host test configuration
runs binary image on target (workflow: flash, reset, output console)
skips use of copy/flash plugin. Note: target will not be reflashed
skips use of reset plugin. Note: target will not be reset
-P, --polling-timeout TIMEOUT
timeout (seconds) for readiness of mount point and serial port of local or remote device (default: 60)
-b, --send-break
send reset signal to board on specified port (-p PORT) and print serial output; can be combined with -r RESET_TYPE switch
--baud-rate BAUD_RATE
baud rate of target; overrides values from mbed-ls, disk/mount point (-d, --disk-path), and serial port -p :
-v, --verbose
enable verbose mode
--serial-output-file FILE
save target serial output to this file
--compare-log FILE
log file to compare with the serial output from target
print registered host test and exit
print registered plugins and exit
print version and exit
print usage details and exit


To flash the file test.bin to the mounted path /mnt/MBED on the K64F microcontroller, using the shell copy method with target serial port COM5, and sleeping for 5 seconds after flashing, run:

$ mbedhtrun --disk /mnt/MBED --port COM5 --image-path "test.bin" -C 4 --copy shell --micro K64F



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Copyright (c) 2011-2018 ARM Limited


This manual page is based on the mbed-host-tests documentation. It was created by Nick Morrott <> for the Debian GNU/Linux system, but may be used by others


yotta(1), mbed-test-wrapper(1), **mbedflsh(1)
December 2018 1.4.4