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pkascii2ogr(1) pkascii2ogr(1)


pkascii2ogr - program to create vector points or polygons from text file


[-i input] [-o output] [-f OGRformat] [-x col] [-y col] [-line] [-n fieldname] [-ot type] [-fs separator]


pkascii2ogr creates a vector dataset (points or single polygon) from an ASCII textfile. A better alternative is to use virtual vector datasets ⟨⟩ . Specify the position of the vertices (x and y) in the columns defined by the options (-x -y), starting from 0. The default is to use the first (-dx 0) and second (-dx 1) columns for x and y respectvely. Specify the names and types of the remaining columns in your input file via the option pairs -n and -ot respectively. The default field separator is space.


-i filename, --input filename
input ASCII file
-o filename, --output filename
Output file
-f OGRformat, --f OGRformat
Output sample file format
-x col, --x col
column number of x (0)
-y col, --y col
column number of y (1)
-l, --line
create OGRPolygon as geometry instead of points. Fields are taken from first point and polygon is automatically closed (no need to repeat first point at last line). (false: use OGRPoint)
-n fieldname, --name fieldname
Field names for the columns in the input ascii file
-ot type, --otype type
Field type (Real, Integer, String) for each of the fields as defined by name
-a_srs EPSG:number, --a_srs EPSG:number
Override the projection for the output file, use epsg: or Wkt string
-fs separator, --fs separator
field separator.
-v n, --verbose n
verbose (0)


Create a vector shape file (output.shp) from input ASCII file (input.txt). The coordinates x (longitude) and y (latitude) can be found in input.txt as columns 3 and 2 respectively (columns start counting from 0). The remaining 2 columns in input.txt are used as fields (attributes) of type integer: id (column 0) and label (column 3). The projection is set to lat lon (epsg:4326).

pkascii2ogr -i input.txt -o output.shp -x 2 -x 1 -n id -ot Integer -n label -ot Integer -a_srs epsg:4326


02 January 2019