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NQUIRE(1) NCBI Entrez Direct User's Manual NQUIRE(1)


nquire - query NCBI Entrez Utilities or other parameter-based web services


nquire [-help] [-ftp host dir file] [-get] [-url URL] [-eutils name] [component ...] [-tag value ...] [-examples] [-version]


nquire performs raw HTTP(S) queries against web services such as NCBI E-Utilities that take GET or POST parameters.


Print usage information, complete with a few examples, some additionally illustrating the use of xtract(1).
-ftp host dir file
Use FTP instead of HTTP.
Use HTTP(S) GET instead of POST.
-url URL
Base URL for external search.
-eutils name
Shorthand for -url
Add /component to the base URL. (Must precede any tag/value pairs.)
-tag value ...
Add &tag=value,... to the base URL. (Must follow any simple components.)
Examples of advanced queries.
Print version number. SH SEE ALSO edirect(1), xtract(1).
2018-12-02 NCBI