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STUBGEN(1) User Commands STUBGEN(1)


stubgen - Generate draft stubs for Python modules.


usage: stubgen [-h] [--py2] [more options, see -h]
[-m MODULE] [-p PACKAGE] [files ...]

Generate draft stubs for modules. Stubs are generated in directory ./out, to avoid overriding files with manual changes. This directory is assumed to exist.

positional arguments:

generate stubs for given files or directories

optional arguments:

-h, --help
show this help message and exit
run in Python 2 mode (default: Python 3 mode)
ignore errors when trying to generate stubs for modules
don't import the modules, just parse and analyze them (doesn't work with C extension modules and might not respect __all__)
don't perform semantic analysis of sources, just parse them (only applies to Python modules, might affect quality of stubs)
generate stubs for objects and members considered private (single leading underscore and no trailing underscores)
--doc-dir PATH
use .rst documentation in PATH (this may result in better stubs in some cases; consider setting this to DIR/Python-X.Y.Z/Doc/library)
--search-path PATH
specify module search directories, separated by ':' (currently only used if --no-import is given)
--python-executable PATH
use Python interpreter at PATH (only works for Python 2 right now)
-o PATH, --output PATH
change the output directory [default: out]
-m MODULE, --module MODULE
generate stub for module; can repeat for more modules
-p PACKAGE, --package PACKAGE
generate stubs for package recursively; can be repeated
February 2019 stubgen 0.670