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INVALID(1) -version"." INVALID(1)


Invalid - Mellanox Software tools (mst) server (remote mtcr calls)


Invalid switch "-help". Usage:
small_utils/mstmtserver [switches]

Switches may be:

-p[ort] <port> - Listen to specify port (default is 23108).

-d[ebug] - Print all socket traffic (for debugging only).

-h[elp] - Print help message.

-v[ersion] - Print version.


small_utils/mstmtserver [switches]

Switches may be:

-p[ort] <port> - Listen to specify port (default is 23108).

-d[ebug] - Print all socket traffic (for debugging only).

-h[elp] - Print help message.

-v[ersion] - Print version.


The full documentation for Invalid is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and Invalid programs are properly installed at your site, the command
info Invalid

should give you access to the complete manual.

November 2018 Invalid switch