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ldoc(1) ldoc(1)


ldoc - A LuaDoc-compatible documentation generation system


LDoc, a documentation generator for Lua compatible to LuaDoc.


-d, --dir
(default docs) output directory
-o, --output
(default 'index') output name
-v, --verbose
be verbose during doc generation
-a, --all
show local functions, etc, in docs
-q, --quiet
suppress output
-m, --module
module docs as text
-s, --style
(default !) directory for style sheet (ldoc.css)
-l, --template
(default !) directory for template (ldoc.ltp)
-p, --project
(default ldoc) project name
-t, --title
(default Reference) page title
-f, --format
(default plain) formatting, valid options are markdown, discount or plain
-b, --package
(default .) top-level package basename (needed for module(...))
-x, --ext
(default html) output file extension
-c, --config
(default config.ld) configuration name
-u, --unqualified
don't show package name in sidebar links
-i, --ignore
ignore any 'no doc comment or no module' warnings
-X, --not_luadoc
break LuaDoc compatibility. Descriptions may continue after tags.
-D, --define
(default none) set a flag to be used in config.ld
-C, --colon
use colon style
-N, --no_args_infer
don't infer arguments from source
-B, --boilerplate
ignore first comment in source files
-M, --merge
allow module merging
-S, --simple
no return or params, no summary
-O, --one
one-column output layout
(default system) use this date in generated doc
debug output dump
(default none) filter output as Lua data (e.g pl.pretty.dump)
(default none) show all references to given tags, comma-separated
non-zero exit status on any warning
reproducible build; no date or version on output
(string) source file or directory containing source


ldoc .
reads options from a config.ld file in the same directory
ldoc -c path/to/myconfig.ld .
reads options from path/to/myconfig.ld


This manpage was written for Debian by Julian Wollrath and may be used by others.
06 November 2017 ldoc