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CSB-BFITE(1) User Commands CSB-BFITE(1)


csb-bfite - models non-rigid displacements in protein ensembles with outlier-tolerant probability distributions


usage: csb-bfite [-h] [-c CHAIN] [-s {student,k}] [-a ALIGNMENT] [-o OUTFILE]
[-n NITER] pdb

Python application for robust structure superposition of an ensemble of structures. bfite models non-rigid displacements in protein ensembles with outlier-tolerant probability distributions.

positional arguments:

full path to the ensemble

optional arguments:

-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-c CHAIN, --chain CHAIN
Chain (default=A)
-s {student,k}, --scalemixture {student,k}
Scale mixture distribution (default=student)
Alignment in fasta format defining equivalent positions Assumes that chain1 is the first sequence of the alignment and chain2 the second sequence
-o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
file to which the rotated second structure will be written (default=bfit.pdb)
-n NITER, --niter NITER
Number of optimization steps (default=200)


This manpage was written by Andreas Tille for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.
November 2017 csb-bfite 1.2.5