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PACEMAKER(8) System Administration Utilities PACEMAKER(8)


Pacemaker - Part of the Pacemaker cluster resource manager


crm_simulate <data source> <operation> [options]


crm_simulate - simulate a Pacemaker cluster's response to events


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Determine cluster's response to the given configuration and status
Simulate transition's execution and display resulting cluster status
Simulate transition's execution and store result back to input file
Show allocation scores
Show utilization information
Run all tests in the named directory to create profiling data
With --profile, repeat each test N times and print timings
Display pending state if 'record-pending' is enabled

Synthetic Cluster Events:

Bring a node online
Take a node offline
Mark a node as failed
Generate a failure for the cluster to react to in the simulation. See `Operation Specification` help for more information.
If the specified task occurs during the simulation, have it fail with return code ${rc}. The transition will normally stop at the failed action. Save the result with --save-output and re-run with --xml-file. See `Operation Specification` help for more information.
Set date/time (ISO 8601 format, see
Specify a value for quorum
Assume a watchdog device is active
Grant a ticket
Revoke a ticket
Make a ticket standby
Activate a ticket

Output Options:

Save the input configuration to the named file
Save the output configuration to the named file
Save the transition graph (XML format) to the named file
Save the transition graph (DOT format) to the named file
Display all possible actions in DOT graph (even if not part of transition)

Data Source:

Connect to CIB manager and use the current CIB contents as input
Retrieve XML from the named file
Retrieve XML from stdin

Application Options:

-$, --version
Display software version and exit
Increase debug output (may be specified multiple times)
Display only essential output


The OPSPEC in any command line option is of the form ${resource}_${task}_${interval_in_ms}@${node}=${rc}, for example). ${rc} is an OCF return code. For more information on these return codes, refer to


Pretend a recurring monitor action found memcached stopped on node and, during recovery, that the memcached stop action failed:

crm_simulate -LS --op-inject --op-fail --save-output /tmp/memcached-test.xml

Now see what the reaction to the stop failed would be:

crm_simulate -S --xml-file /tmp/memcached-test.xml


Written by Andrew Beekhof

January 2021 Pacemaker 2.0.5