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EIGER2CBF(1) User Commands EIGER2CBF(1)


eiger2cbf - Portable image converter based on FabIO library to export Eiger frames (including te one from LIMA) to CBF and mimic the header from Dectris Pilatus.


usage: eiger2cbf [-h] [-V] [-v] [--debug] [-o OUTPUT] [-m MASK] [-O OFFSET]

[-D DUMMY] [--pilatus] [--dry-run] [-e ENERGY] [-w WAVELENGTH] [-d DISTANCE] [-b BEAM BEAM] [--alpha ALPHA] [--kappa KAPPA] [--chi CHI] [--phi PHI] [--omega OMEGA] [--rotation ROTATION] [--transpose] [--flip-ud] [--flip-lr] [IMAGE ...]

Portable image converter based on FabIO library to export Eiger frames (including te one from LIMA) to CBF and mimic the header from Dectris Pilatus.

positional arguments:

File with input images


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show debug information

main arguments:

output directory and filename template: eiger2cbf/frame_{index:04d}.cbf
Read masked pixel from this file
index offset, CrysalisPro likes indexes to start at 1, Python starts at 0
Set masked values to this dummy value
Select an image shape similar to Pilatus detectors for compatibiliy with Crysalis

optional behaviour arguments:

do everything except modifying the file system

Experimental setup options:

Energy of the incident beam in keV
Wavelength of the incident beam in ??
Detector distance in meters
Direct beam in pixels x, y

Goniometer setup:

Goniometer angle alpha value in deg.
Goniometer angle kappa value in deg.
Goniometer angle chi value in deg. or formula f(index)
Goniometer angle phi value in deg. or formula f(index)
Goniometer angle omega value in deg. or formula f(index) like '-180+index*0.1

Image preprocessing (Important: applied in this order!):

Rotate the initial image by this value in degrees. Must be a multiple of 90??.
Flip the x/y axis
Flip the image upside-down
Flip the image left-right

return codes: 0 means a success. 1 means the conversion contains a failure, 2 means there was an error in the arguments

November 2022 eiger2cbf 0.14.0