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SWI(1) General Commands Manual SWI(1)


swipl-rc - SWI-Prolog resource archiver


swipl-rc command resource-file member ...


The utility swipl-rc allows for examining and modifying the SWI-Prolog resource data associated with a SWI-Prolog save-state or runtime executable as created using SWI-Prolog's predicate qsave_program/[1,2].


l archive [member ...]
List the contents of the resource archive. If no members are specified, the entire content is listed.
x archive [member ...]
Extract members from the archive into the current directory. If no members are specified, the entire content is extracted. Each member is extracted into a file with the same name as the archive member.
a archive [member ...]
Add files to the archive. If the archive already contains a member with the same name, the contents is replaced. Anywhere in the sequence of members, the options --class=class and --encoding=encoding may appear. They affect the class and encoding of subsequent files. The initial class is data and encoding none.
d archive member ...
Delete members from the archive.


None sofar.


pl(1) plld(1) SWI-Prolog Reference Manual


Copyright (C) 1991-2010, University of Amsterdam, VU University, Amsterdam This program may be used under the terms of the LGPL, version 2 or later.


Jan Wielemaker
February 8, 2006