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spatialite - CLI backend for SpatiaLite




spatialite is a CLI backend for SpatiaLite.


stop after hitting an error
force batch I/O
set output mode to 'column'
-cmd command
run command before reading stdin
set output mode to 'csv'
print commands before execution
-init filename
read/process named file
turn headers on or off
show help message
set output mode to HTML
force interactive I/O
set output mode to 'line'
set output mode to 'list'
enable the multiplexor VFS (if support built in)
-nullvalue 'text'
set text string for NULL values
-separator 'x'
set output field separator (|)
print memory stats before each finalize
show SQLite version
-vfs NAME
use NAME as the default VFS
enable tracing of all VFS calls (if support built in)
29 August 2015