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glpsol(1) User Commands glpsol(1)


glpsol - large-scale linear and mixed integer programming solver


glpsol [options...] filename


General options:

read LP/MIP problem in fixed MPS format
read LP/MIP problem in free MPS format (default)
read LP/MIP problem in CPLEX LP format
read LP/MIP problem in GLPK format
read LP/MIP model written in GNU MathProg modeling language
-m filename, --model filename
read model section and optional data section from filename (same as --math)
-d filename, --data filename
read data section from filename (for --math only); if model file also has data section, it is ignored
-y filename, --display filename
send display output to filename (for --math only); by default the output is sent to terminal
--seed value
initialize pseudo-random number generator used in MathProg model with specified seed (any integer); if seed value is ?, some random seed will be used
read min-cost flow problem in DIMACS format
read maximum flow problem in DIMACS format
read CNF-SAT problem in DIMACS format
use simplex method (default)
use interior point method (LP only)
-r filename, --read filename
read solution from filename rather to find it with the solver
scale problem (default)
do not scale problem
-o filename, --output filename
write solution to filename in printable format
-w filename, --write filename
write solution to filename in plain text format
--ranges filename
write sensitivity analysis report to filename in printable format (simplex only)
--tmlim nnn
limit solution time to nnn seconds
--memlim nnn
limit available memory to nnn megabytes
do not solve problem, check input data only
--name probname
change problem name to probname
--wmps filename
write problem to filename in fixed MPS format
--wfreemps filename
write problem to filename in free MPS format
--wlp filename
write problem to filename in CPLEX LP format
--wglp filename
write problem to filename in GLPK format
--wcnf filename
write problem to filename in DIMACS CNF-SAT format
--log filename
write copy of terminal output to filename
-h, --help
display this help information and exit
-v, --version
display program version and exit

LP basis factorization options:

LU + Forrest-Tomlin update (faster, less stable; default)
LU + Schur complement + Bartels-Golub update (slower, more stable)
LU + Schur complement + Givens rotation update (slower, more stable)

Options specific to simplex solver:

use primal simplex (default)
use dual simplex
use standard initial basis of all slacks
use advanced initial basis (default)
use Bixby's initial basis
--ini filename
use as initial basis previously saved with -w (disables LP presolver)
use steepest edge technique (default)
use standard "textbook" pricing
use Harris' two-pass ratio test (default)
use standard "textbook" ratio test
use presolver (default; assumes --scale and --adv)
do not use presolver
use simplex method based on exact arithmetic
check final basis using exact arithmetic

Options specific to interior-point solver:

use natural (original) ordering
use quotient minimum degree ordering
use approximate minimum degree ordering (default)
use approximate minimum degree ordering

Options specific to MIP solver:

consider all integer variables as continuous (allows solving MIP as pure LP)
branch on first integer variable
branch on last integer variable
branch on most fractional variable
branch using heuristic by Driebeck and Tomlin (default)
branch using hybrid pseudocost heuristic (may be useful for hard instances)
backtrack using depth first search
backtrack using breadth first search
backtrack using the best projection heuristic
backtrack using node with best local bound (default)
use MIP presolver (default)
do not use MIP presolver
replace general integer variables by binary ones (assumes --intopt)
apply feasibility pump heuristic
--proxy [nnn]
apply proximity search heuristic (nnn is time limit in seconds; default is 60)
apply proximity search heuristic
generate Gomory's mixed integer cuts
generate MIR (mixed integer rounding) cuts
generate mixed cover cuts
generate clique cuts
generate all cuts above
--mipgap tol
set relative mip gap tolerance to tol
translate integer feasibility problem to CNF-SAT and solve it with MiniSat solver
--objbnd bound
add inequality obj <= bound (minimization) or obj >= bound (maximization) to integer feasibility problem (assumes --minisat)


For description of the MPS and CPLEX LP formats see the Reference Manual at /usr/share/doc/glpk-doc/glpk.pdf

For description of the modeling language see "GLPK: Modeling Language GNU MathProg" at /usr/share/doc/glpk-doc/gmpl.pdf

Please report bugs to <>.


Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013 Andrew Makhorin, Department for Applied Informatics, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: <>.


This program is free software; you may re-distribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or later.

June 2013 glpsol: GLPK LP/MIP Solver, v4.51