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VIRT-IMAGE(1) Virtual Machine Manager VIRT-IMAGE(1)


virt-image - create virtual machines from an image descriptor


virt-image [OPTION]... IMAGE.XML


WARNING: virt-image is planned for removal in the near future. If you are depending on this tool, please contact the developers at
virt-image is a command line tool for creating virtual machines from an XML image descriptor "IMAGE.XML" ( virt-image(5)). Most attributes of the virtual machine are taken from the XML descriptor (e.g., where the files to back the virtual machine's disks are and how to map them into the guest), though certain information must be added on the command line, such as the name of the guest.
The XML descriptor defines most attributes of the guest, making it possible to bundle and distribute it together with the files backing the guest's disks.


Most options can be omitted, in which case virt-image will use defaults from the XML descriptor. When defaults are taken from the XML descriptor, they are indicated below as a path. --name is the only required command line option.
-h, --help
Show the help message and exit
Show program's version number and exit
Connect to a non-default hypervisor. See virt-install(1) for details

General Options

General configuration parameters that apply to all types of guest installs.
-n NAME, --name=NAME
Name of the guest instance
Memory to allocate for the guest, in megabytes. Defaults to "/image/devices/memory" in the XML descriptor. This deprecates the -r/--ram option.
See virt-install(1) for more details.
Number of vcpus to configure for your guest. Defaults to "/image/devices/vcpu" in the XML descriptor. This option can also be used to set CPU topology, please see virt-install(1) for more info.
Configure the CPU and CPU features exposed to the guest. Please see virt-install(1) for more info.
Optimize the guest configuration for a specific operating system (ex. 'fedora18', 'rhel7', 'winxp'). While not requires, specifying this options is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, as it can greatly increase performance by specifying virtio among other guest tweaks. See virt-install(1) for valid values.

Networking Configuration

-w NETWORK, --network=NETWORK
Connect the guest to the host network. This deprecates the -m/--mac and -b/--bridge options. See virt-install(1) for details.

Graphics Configuration

If no graphics option is specified, "virt-image" will default to '--graphics vnc' if the DISPLAY environment variable is set, otherwise '--graphics none' is used.
--graphics TYPE,opt1=arg1,opt2=arg2,...
Specifies the graphical display configuration. This does not configure any virtual hardware, just how the guest's graphical display can be accessed. See virt-install(1) for details usage info.
This deprecates the following options: --vnc, --vncport, --vnclisten, -k/--keymap, --sdl, --nographics

Miscellaneous Options

Print the libvirt XML, but do not start the guest.
The zero-based index of the boot record to use. The XML descriptor can contain multiple "/image/domain/boot" elements for use on different hypervisors. By default, the one that is most appropriate for the current hypervisor is selected.
Shutdown and remove any existing guest with the passed "--name" before installing from the image.
Prevent the domain automatically booting after importing the image.
Do not check disk images against checksums (if they are listed in the image xml).
-d, --debug
Print debugging information.


Create and start a guest called "example" with a VNC console from "image.xml":
  # virt-image --name example --vnc image.xml
Print the libvirt XML for a guest called "example" without graphics, but do not create or start a virtual machine:
  # virt-image --print --name example --nographics image.xml


Please see


Copyright (C) Red Hat, Inc, and various contributors. This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of the GNU General Public License "". There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.


virt-image(5), virt-install(1), the project website ""
2015-03-25 1.0.1