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PMDABONDING(1) Performance Co-Pilot PMDABONDING(1)


pmdabonding - Linux bonded interface performance metrics domain agent (PMDA)


pmdabonding is a Performance Metrics Domain Agent (PMDA) which exports metric values from bonded network interfaces in the Linux kernel.


If you want access to the names and values for the bonding performance metrics, do the following as root:
        # cd $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/bonding
        # ./Install
If you want to undo the installation, do the following as root:
        # cd $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/bonding
        # ./Remove
pmdabonding is launched by pmcd(1) and should never be executed directly. The Install and Remove scripts notify pmcd(1) when the agent is installed or removed.


installation script for the pmdabonding agent
undo installation script for the pmdabonding agent
default log file for error messages from pmdabonding


pmcd(1) and ifenslave(8).
Performance Co-Pilot 3.9.10