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NetSDS::Class::Abstract(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation NetSDS::Class::Abstract(3pm)


NetSDS::Class::Abstract - superclass for all NetSDS APIs


        package MyClass;
        use base 'NetSDS::Class::Abstract';
        sub error_sub {
                my ($self) = @_;
                if (!$self->my_field) {
                        return $self->error("No my_field defined");


"NetSDS::Class::Abstract" is a superclass for all other NetSDS classes, containing the following functionality:
common class constructor
safe modules inclusion
class and objects accessors
error handling;
All other class/object APIs should inherit this class to use it's functionality in standard way.


new(%params) - common constructor
"new()" method implements common constructor for NetSDS classes. Constructor may be overwriten in inherited classes and usually this happens to implement module specific functionality.
Constructor requres parameters as hash that are set as object properties.
        my $object = NetSDS::SomeClass->new(
                foo => 'abc',
                bar => 'def',
mk_class_accessors(@properties) - class properties accessor
See Class::Accessor for details.
        __PACKAGE__->mk_class_accessors('foo', 'bar');
mk_accessors(@propertire) - object properties accessors
See Class::Accessor::Class for details.
        $self->mk_accessors('foo', 'bar');
Other "Class::Accessor::Class" methods available as well.
use_modules(@modules_list) - load modules on demand
"use_modules()" provides safe on demand modules loader. It requires list of modules names as parameters
Return 1 in case of success or "undef" if faied. Error messages in case of failure are available using "errstr()" call.
        # Load modules for daemonization
        if ($daemon_mode) {
                $self->use_modules("Proc::Daemon", "Proc::PID::File");
unbless() - return unblessed object
Return unblessed data structure of object that may be used when some code requires non blessed structures (like JSON serialization).
        my $var = $obj->unbless();


logger() - get/set logging handler
"logger" property is an object that should provide functionality handling log messaging. Usually it's object of NetSDS::Logger class or "undef". However it may another object implementing non-standard features like sending log to e-mail or to DBMS.
        # Set logger and send log message
        $obj->log("info", "Logger connected");
log($level, $message) - write log message
Paramters: log level, log message
        $obj->log("info", "We still alive");


error($msg, [$code]) - set error message and code
"error()" method set error message and optional error code. It can be invoked in both class and object contexts.
Example 1: set class error
        NetSDS::Foo->error("Mistake found");
Example 2: set object error with code
        $obj->error("Can't launch rocket", BUG_STUPID);
errstr() - retrieve error message
"errstr()" method returns error string in both object and class contexts.
        warn "We have an error: " . $obj->errstr;
errcode() - retrieve error code
"errcode()" method returns error code in both object and class contexts.
        if ($obj->errcode == 42) {
                print "Epic fail! We've found an answer!";


See "samples" directory and other "NetSDS" moduleis for examples of code.




Michael Bochkaryov <>


Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Net Style Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
2010-04-28 perl v5.10.1