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r.volume(1grass) Grass User's Manual r.volume(1grass)


r.volume - Calculates the volume of data "clumps", and (optionally) produces a GRASS vector points map containing the calculated centroids of these clumps.


raster, volume


r.volume help
r.volume [-f] data=string [clump=string] [ centroids=string] [--overwrite] [-- verbose] [--quiet]


Generate unformatted report
Allow output files to overwrite existing files
Verbose module output
Quiet module output


Existing raster map representing data that will be summed within clumps
Existing raster map, preferably the output of r.clump
Vector points map to contain clump centroids


r.volume is a tool for summing cell values within clumps and calculating volumes and centroids of patches or clumps.
r.volume generates a table containing the sum of all cells from a data_map layer sorted by category on a clump map, and optionally generates a vector points map of the centroids for each clump. If a clump map is not specified, the current MASK is used. The sum is multiplied by the area of a cell to give the volume occupied by that cell. See below for an example of the output table.


If a clump map is not given and a MASK not set, the program exits with an error message.
r.volume works in the current region and respects the current MASK.


The following report was generated by the command: (spearfish data base; fields.only is the fields layer without the National Forest category)
r.volume data=elevation clump=fields.only centroids=field.centers
Volume report on data from elevation using clumps on fields.only map

Cat Average Data # Cells Centroid Total
Number in clump Total in clump Easting Northing Volume

1 1181.09 75590 64 595500.00 4927700.00 755900000.00

2 1163.50 69810 60 597100.00 4927700.00 698100000.00

3 1146.83 34405 30 598300.00 4927700.00 344050000.00

4 1193.20 366311 307 599400.00 4927300.00 3663110000.00




60 1260.08 351563 279 603100.00 4921000.00 3515630000.00

61 1213.93 35204 29 603700.00 4921500.00 352040000.00

62 1207.71 33816 28 604100.00 4921500.00 338160000.00

Total Volume = 67226740000.00
The Data Total column is the sum of the elevations for each in each of the fields. The Total Volume is the sum multiplied by the e-w resolution times the n-s resolution. Note that the units on the volume may be difficult if the units of cell values on the data_map layer and the resolution units differ.


The centroid coordinates are the same as those stored in the sites file (if one was requested). They are guaranteed to fall on a cell of the appropriate category, thus they are not always the true, mathematical centroid. They will always fall at a cell center.


For each line of above table the vector points table contains these columns: easting, northing, cat, volume, average, sum, count
This can be converted directly to a raster map with each point a separate category using


By preprocessing the elevation layer with r.mapcalc and using suitable masking or clump maps, very interesting applications can be done with r.volume. Such as, calculating the volume of rock in a potential quarry; calculating cut/fill volumes for roads; finding water volumes in potential reservoirs. Data layers of other measures of real values.


Dr. James Hinthorne, Central Washington University GIS Laboratory
December 1988.
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