.\" @(#)$RCSfile: dpm2_python.man,v $ $Revision: 4017 $ $Date: 2010-12-14 08:31:05 +0100 (Tue, 14 Dec 2010) $ CERN IT-DM/SMD Remi Mollon .\" Copyright (C) 2004-2010 by CERN/IT/GD/CT .\" All rights reserved .\" .TH dpm2_python 3 "$Date: 2010-12-14 08:31:05 +0100 (Tue, 14 Dec 2010) $" DPM "Python Reference" .SH NAME dpm \- Python interface to the DPM .br .SH SYNOPSIS .B import dpm2 as dpm .SH DESCRIPTION The dpm module permits you to access the DPM client interface from python programs. The dpm module is a swig wrapping of the standard C interface. For detailed descriptions of each function see the individual man page of each function. .SH FUNCTIONS .B dpns_aborttrans ( ) .BI "dpns_access ( string " path , .BI "int " amode .BI ") -> bool " access .BI "dpns_accessr ( string " sfn , .BI "int " amode .BI ") -> bool " access .BI "dpns_addreplica ( string " guid , .BI "struct dpns_fileid *" file_uniqueid , .BI "string " server , .BI "string " sfn , .BI "char " status , .BI "char " f_type , .BI "string " poolname , .BI "string " fs .B ) .BI "dpns_addreplicax ( string " guid , .BI "struct dpns_fileid *" file_uniqueid , .BI "string " server , .BI "string " sfn , .BI "char " status , .BI "char " f_type , .BI "string " poolname , .BI "string " fs , .BI "char " r_type , .BI "string " setname .B ) .BI "dpns_chdir ( string " path .B ) .BI "dpns_chmod ( string " path , .BI "mode_t " mode .B ) .BI "dpns_chown ( string "path , .BI "uid_t " new_uid , .BI "gid_t " new_gid .B ) .BI "dpns_client_setAuthorizationId ( uid_t " uid , .BI "gid_t " gid , .BI "string " mech , .BI "string " id .B ) .BI "dpns_client_setVOMS_data ( string " voname , .BI "stringlist " vomsdata .B ) .BI "dpns_closedir ( dpns_DIR " dirp .B ) .BI "dpns_creat ( string " path , .BI "mode_t " mode .B ) .BI "dpns_delcomment ( string " path .B ) .BI "dpns_delete ( string " path .B ) .BI "dpns_delreplica ( string " guid , .BI "struct dpns_fileid *" file_uniqueid , .BI "string " sfn .B ) .BI "dpns_delreplicasbysfn ( ListOfString " sfns , .BI "ListOfString " guids .BI ") -> ListOfInt " results .B dpns_endsess ( ) .B dpns_endtrans ( ) .BI "dpns_getacl ( string " path , .BI ") -> ListOf struct dpns_acl " acls .BI "dpns_getcomment ( string " path .BI ") -> string " comment .BI "dpns_getcwd ( ) -> string " dir .BI "dpns_getifcevers ( ) -> string " version .BI "dpns_getlinks ( string " path , .BI "string " guid .BI ") -> ListOf struct dpns_linkinfo " links .BI "dpns_getreplica ( string " path , .BI "string " guid , .BI "string " se .BI ") -> ListOf struct dpns_filereplica " replicas .BI "dpns_getreplicax ( string " path , .BI "string " guid , .BI "string " se .BI ") -> ListOf struct dpns_filereplicax " replicas .BI "dpns_lchown ( string " path , .BI "uid_t " new_uid , .BI "gid_t "new_gid .B ) .BI "dpns_listreplicax ( string " poolname , .BI "string " server , .BI "string " fs , .BI "int " flags , .BI "dpns_list * listp .BI ") -> struct dpns_filereplica " replica .BI "dpns_listrepset ( string " setname , .BI "int " flags , .BI "dpns_list *" listp .BI ") -> struct dpns_filereplicax " replica .BI "dpns_lstat ( string " path .BI ") -> struct dpns_filestat " statbuf .BI "dpns_mkdir ( string " path , .BI "mode_t " mode .B ) .BI "dpns_modreplica ( string " sfn , .BI "string " setname , .BI "string " poolname , .BI "string " server .B ) .BI "dpns_modreplicax ( string " sfn , .BI "string " setname , .BI "string " poolname , .BI "string " server , .BI "string " fs , .BI "char " r_type .B ) .BI "dpns_opendir ( string " path .BI ") -> dpns_DIR " dir .BI "dpns_opendirxg ( string " server , .BI "string " path , .BI "string " guid .BI ") -> dpns_DIR " dir .BI "dpns_ping ( string " server .BI ") -> string " info .BI "dpns_readdir ( dpns_DIR " dirp .BI ") -> struct dirent " dirent .BI "dpns_readdirc ( dpns_DIR " dirp .BI ") -> struct dpns_direncomm " dirent .BI "dpns_readdirg ( dpns_DIR " dirp .BI ") -> struct dpns_direnstatg " dirent .BI "dpns_readdirx ( dpns_DIR " dirp .BI ") -> struct dpns_direnstat " dirent .BI "dpns_readdirxc ( dpns_DIR " dirp .BI ") -> struct dpns_direnstatc " dirent .BI "dpns_readdirxp ( dpns_DIR " dirp , .BI "string " pattern , .BI "string " se .BI "= None ) -> struct dpns_direnrep " dirent .BI "dpns_readdirxr ( dpns_DIR " dirp , .BI "string " se .BI "= None ) -> struct dpns_direnrep " dirent .BI "dpns_readlink ( string " path .BI ") -> string " link .BI "dpns_rename ( string " oldpath , .BI "string " newpath .B ) .BI "dpns_rewinddir ( dpns_DIR " dirp .B ) .BI "dpns_rmdir ( string " path .B ) .BI "dpns_setacl ( string " path , .BI "ListOf struct dpns_acl " acls .B ) .BI "dpns_setatime ( string " path , .BI "struct dpns_fileid " file_uniqueid .B ) .BI "dpns_setcomment ( string " path , .BI "string " comment .B ) .BI "dpns_setfsize ( string " path , .BI "struct dpns_fileid " file_uniqueid , .BI "long " filesize .B ) .BI "dpns_setfsizec ( string " path , .BI "struct dpns_fileid " file_uniqueid , .BI "long " filesize , .BI "string " csumtype , .BI "string " csumvalue .B ) .BI "dpns_setptime ( string " sfn , .BI "long " ptime .B ) .BI "dpns_setratime ( string " sfn .B ) .BI "dpns_setrltime ( string " sfn , .BI "long " ltime .B ) .BI "dpns_setrstatus ( string " sfn , .BI "char " status .B ) .BI "dpns_setrtype ( string " sfn , .BI "char " type .B ) .BI "dpns_startsess ( string " server , .BI "string " comment .BI ) .BI "dpns_starttrans ( string " server , .BI "string " comment .BI ) .BI "dpns_stat ( string " path .BI ") -> struct dpns_filestat " statbuf .BI "dpns_statg ( string " path , .BI "string " guid .BI ") -> struct dpns_filestatg " statbuf .BI "dpns_statr ( string " sfn) .BI ") -> struct dpns_filestatg " statbuf .BI "dpns_symlink ( string " target , .BI "string " linkname .B ) .BI "dpns_umask ( mode_t " cmask .BI ") -> mode_t " oldmask .BI "dpns_undelete ( string " path .B ) .BI "dpns_unlink ( string " path .B ) .BI "dpns_utime ( string " path , .BI "struct utimbuf " times .B ) .BI "dpns_entergrpmap ( gid_t " gid , .BI "string " groupname .B ) .BI "dpns_enterusrmap ( uid_t " uid , .BI "string " username .B ) .BI "dpns_getgrpbygid ( gid_t " gid .BI ") -> string " group .BI "dpns_getgrpbygids ( ListOfgid_t " gids .BI ") -> ListOfString " groups .BI "dpns_getgrpbynam ( string " groupname .BI ") -> gid_t " gid .BI "dpns_getgrpmap ( ) -> ListOf struct dpns_groupinfo " infos .BI "dpns_getusrbynam ( string " username .BI ") -> uid_t " uid .BI "dpns_getusrbyuid ( uid_t " uid .BI ") -> string " user .BI "dpns_getusrmap ( ) -> ListOf struct dpns_userinfo " userinfo .BI "dpns_modifygrpmap ( gid_t " gid , .BI "string " newname .B ) .BI "dpns_modifyusrmap ( uid_t " uid , .BI "string " newname .B ) .BI "dpns_rmgrpmap ( gid_t " gid , .BI "string " groupname .B ) .BI "dpns_rmusrmap ( uid_t " uid , .BI "string " username .B ) .BI "dpm_getpoolfs ( string " poolname .BI ") -> ListOf struct dpm_fs " dpm_fs .BI "dpm_getpools ( ) -> ListOf struct dpm_pool " dpm_pools .BI "dpm_getprotocols ( ) -> ListOfString " protocols .BI "dpm_getspacemd ( ListOfString " s_tokens .BI ") -> ListOf struct dpm_space_metadata " spacemd .BI "dpm_getspacetoken ( string " u_token .BI ") -> ListOfString " s_tokens .BI "dpm_addfs ( string " poolname , .BI "string " server , .BI "string " fs , .BI "int " status .B ) .BI "dpm_addpool ( struct dpm_pool " dpm_pool .B ) .BI "dpm_delreplica ( string " pfn .B ) .BI "dpm_modifyfs ( string " server , .BI "string " fs , .BI "int " status .B ) .BI "dpm_modifypool ( struct dpm_pool " dpm_pool .B ) .BI "dpm_ping ( string " host .BI ") -> string " info .BI "dpm_releasespace ( string " s_token , .BI "int " force .B ) .BI "dpm_reservespace ( char " s_type , .BI "string " u_token , .BI "char " ret_policy , .BI "char " ac_latency , .BI "long " req_t_space , .BI "long " req_g_space , .BI "long " req_lifetime , .BI "ListOfInt " gids , .BI "string " poolname .BI ") -> char " actual_s_type , .BI "long " actual_t_space , .BI "long " actual_g_space , .BI "long " actual_lifetime , .BI "string " s_token .BI "dpm_rmfs ( string " server , .BI "string " fs .B ) .BI "dpm_rmpool ( string " poolname .B ) .BI "dpm_updatespace ( string " s_token , .BI "long " req_t_space , .BI "long " req_g_space , .BI "long " req_lifetime , .BI "ListOfInt " gids .BI ") -> long " actual_t_space , .BI "long " actual_g_space , .BI "long " actual_lifetime .SH STRUCTURES Sometimes you need to specify a structure as an input argument (eg. .IR "struct dpns_acl" , .IR "struct dpns_list" , .IR "struct dpm_pool" ", etc.)." For that purpose, the module includes structure constructors, named exactly as the structure. Thus, to create .IR "struct dpns_acl" , .IR "struct dpns_list " or .IR "struct dpmm_pool" , you have to do the following: .nf dpnsacl = dpm.dpns_acl() dpnslist = dpm.dpns_list() dpmpool = dpm.dpm_pool() .fi If you want to see how to use it in a real case, please have a look at examples. .SH ERRORS As you can see, no error code is returned. When an error occurs, an exception is raised with a description of the error. .SH EXAMPLE .nf #!/usr/bin/python """ # Using the dpns_readdirxr method """ import sys import traceback import dpm2 as dpm name = "/dpm/cern.ch/home/dteam/"; try: dir = dpm.dpns_opendir(name) while 1: entry = dpm.dpns_readdirxr(dir) if entry == None: break print entry.d_name for i in range(entry.nbreplicas): print " ==> %s" % entry.rep[i].sfn dpm.dpns_closedir(dir) except TypeError, x: print " ==> None" except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) .SH EXAMPLE .nf #!/usr/bin/python import sys import traceback import dpm2 as dpm """ # Using the dpns_getreplica method """ file = "/dpm/cern.ch/home/dteam/file.test" try: list = dpm.dpns_getreplica(file, "", "") except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) for i in list: print i.host print i.sfn .SH EXAMPLE .nf #!/usr/bin/python import sys import traceback import dpm2 as dpm """ # Using the dpns_getacl and dpns_setacl methods to add a user ACL """ file = "/dpm/cern.ch/home/dteam/file.test" try: acls_list = dpm.dpns_getacl(file) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) for i in acls_list: print i.a_type print i.a_id print i.a_perm # When adding a first ACL for a given user, you also need to add the mask # When adding the second user ACL, it is not necessary anymore acl_user = dpm.dpns_acl() acl_mask = dpm.dpns_acl() acl_user.a_type = lfc.CNS_ACL_USER acl_user.a_id = 18701 # user id acl_user.a_perm = 5 acl_mask.a_type = lfc.CNS_ACL_MASK acl_mask.a_id = 0 # no user id specified acl_mask.a_perm = 5 acls_list.append(acl_user) acls_list.append(acl_mask) try: dpm.dpns_setacl(file, acls_list) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) .SH EXAMPLE .nf #!/usr/bin/python import sys import traceback import dpm2 as dpm """ # Using the dpns_getacl and dpns_setacl methods to remove a user ACL """ file = "/dpm/cern.ch/home/dteam/file.test" try: acls_list = dpm.dpns_getacl(file) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) for i in acls_list: print i.a_type print i.a_id print i.a_perm del acls_list[1] # delete a given user ACL from the list of ACLs try: dpm.dpns_setacl(file, acls_list) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) .SH EXAMPLE .nf #!/usr/bin/python import sys import traceback import dpm2 as dpm """ # Using the dpns_getusrmap method """ try: list = dpm.dpns_getusrmap() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) for i in list: print i.userid + " " + i.username .SH EXAMPLE .nf #!/usr/bin/python import sys import traceback import dpm2 as dpm """ # Using the dpns_getgrpmap method """ try: list = dpm.dpns_getgrpmap() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) for i in list: print i.gid + " " + i.groupname .SH EXAMPLE .nf #!/usr/bin/python import sys import traceback import dpm2 as dpm """ # Using the dpm_addfs method """ try: dpm.dpm_addfs("mypool", "mydiskserver.domain.com", "/mountpoint", \\ dpm.FS_READONLY) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) .SH EXAMPLE .nf #!/usr/bin/python import sys import traceback import dpm2 as dpm """ # Using the dpm_modifyfs method """ try: dpm.dpm_modifyfs("mydiskserver.domain.com", "/mountpoint", \\ dpm.FS_READONLY) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) .SH EXAMPLE .nf #!/usr/bin/python import sys import traceback import dpm2 as dpm """ # Using the dpm_rmfs method """ try: dpm.dpm_rmfs("mypool", "mydiskserver.domain.com", "/mountpoint") except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) .SH EXAMPLE .nf #!/usr/bin/python import sys import traceback import dpm2 as dpm """ # Using the dpm_addpool method """ dpmpool = dpm.dpm_pool() dpmpool.poolname = "mypool" dpmpool.defsize = 209715200 dpmpool.def_lifetime = 604800 dpmpool.defpintime = 604800 dpmpool.max_lifetime = 604800 dpmpool.max_pintime = 604800 dpmpool.nbgids = 1 dpmpool.gids = [0] dpmpool.ret_policy = 'R' dpmpool.s_type = 'D' try: dpm.dpm_addpool(dpmpool) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) .SH EXAMPLE .nf #!/usr/bin/python import sys import traceback import dpm2 as dpm """ # Using the dpm_modifypool method """ dpmpool = dpm.dpm_pool() dpmpool.poolname = "mypool" dpmpool.defsize = 209715200 dpmpool.def_lifetime = 604800 dpmpool.defpintime = 604800 dpmpool.max_lifetime = 604800 dpmpool.max_pintime = 604800 dpmpool.nbgids = 1 dpmpool.gids = [0] dpmpool.ret_policy = 'R' dpmpool.s_type = 'D' try: dpm.dpm_modifypool(dpmpool) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) .SH EXAMPLE .nf #!/usr/bin/python import sys import traceback import dpm2 as dpm """ # Using the dpm_rmpool method """ try: dpm.dpm_rmpool("mypool") except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) .SH EXAMPLE .nf #!/usr/bin/python import sys import traceback import dpm2 as dpm """ # Using the dpm_getpoolfs method """ try: list = dpm.dpm_getpoolfs("mypool") except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) print len(list) for i in list: print "POOL " + i.poolname + " SERVER " + i.server + " FS " + i.fs \\ + " CAPACITY " + i.capacity + " FREE " + i.free .SH EXAMPLE .nf #!/usr/bin/python import sys import traceback import dpm2 as dpm """ # Using the dpm_getpools method """ try: list = dpm.dpm_getpools() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) print len(list) for i in list: print "POOL " + i.poolname + " CAPACITY " + i.capacity + " FREE " + i.free .SH EXAMPLE .nf #!/usr/bin/python import sys import traceback import dpm2 as dpm """ # Using the dpm_getprotocols method """ try: list = dpm.dpm_getprotocols() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) print len(list) for i in list: print i .SH EXAMPLE .nf #!/usr/bin/python import sys import traceback import dpm2 as dpm """ # Using the dpm_getspacemd method """ try: list = dpm.dpm_getspacemd(["myspacetoken"]) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) print len(list) for i in list: print "TYPE " + i.s_type + " SPACETOKEN " i.s_token + " USERTOKEN " \\ + i.u_token + " TOTAL " + i.t_space + " GUARANTUEED " + i.g_space \\ + " UNUSED " + i.u_space + " POOL " + i.poolname .SH EXAMPLE .nf #!/usr/bin/python import sys import traceback import dpm2 as dpm """ # Using the dpm_getspacetoken method """ try: list = dpm.dpm_getspacetoken("myspacetokendesc") except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) print len(list) for i in list: print i .SH EXAMPLE .nf #!/usr/bin/python import sys import traceback import dpm2 as dpm """ # Using the dpm_reservespace method """ try: actual_s_type,actual_t_space,actual_g_space,actual_lifetime,s_token = \\ dpm.dpm_reservespace('D', "myspacetokendesc", 'R', 'O', 209715200, \\ 209715200, 2592000, 0, "mypoolname") except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) print "TYPE " + actual_s_type + " TOTAL " + actual_t_space + " GUARANTEED " \\ + actual_g_space + " LIFETIME " + actual_lifetime + " TOKEN " + s_token .SH EXAMPLE .nf #!/usr/bin/python import sys import traceback import dpm2 as dpm """ # Using the dpm_updatespace method """ try: actual_t_space,actual_g_space,actual_lifetime = \\ dpm.dpm_updatespace("myspacetoken", 209715200, 209715200, 2592000) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) print " TOTAL " + actual_t_space + " GUARANTEED " + actual_g_space \\ + " LIFETIME " + actual_lifetime .SH EXAMPLE .nf #!/usr/bin/python import sys import traceback import dpm2 as dpm """ # Using the dpm_releasespace method """ try: dpm.dpm_releasespace("myspacetoken", 0) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) .SH EXAMPLE .nf #!/usr/bin/python import sys import traceback import dpm2 as dpm """ # Using the dpm_ping method """ try: info = dpm.dpm_ping("mydpmserver.domain.com") except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) print info .SH SEE ALSO .B DPM C interface man pages