.TH OCAMLMOD 1 "April 20, 2012" "ocamlmod manpage" .SH NAME .PP ocamlmod - generate OCaml modules from source files .SH SYNOPSIS .PP ocamlmod [-help|--help] file.mod .SH DESCRIPTION .PP This program allows to generate a single module files from a bunch of OCaml source file. .SH FILE SYNTAX .PP The \f[C]file.mod\f[] must contains one source (\f[C].ml\f[]) per line. .PP Each \f[C].ml\f[] file is copied with an indentation of 2 space into \f[C]file.ml\f[] The target filename is derived from the \f[C].mod\f[] filename. .PP During the copy, some parts are removed: .IP \[bu] 2 Every lines contains inside a \f[C](*\ END\ EXPORT\ *)\f[], \f[C](*\ START\ EXPORT\ *)\f[] .IP \[bu] 2 Some camlp4 related directive (\f[C]with\ odn\f[] and \f[C]TYPE_CONV_PATH\f[]). .SH AUTHORS Sylvain Le Gall.