.TH QSSIGN 1 "June 2012" "mod_qos utilities 10.8" "qssign man page" .SH NAME qssign \- Utility to sign and verify the integrity of log data. .SH SYNOPSIS qssign \-s|S [\-e] [\-v] .SH DESCRIPTION qssign is a log data integrity check tool. It reads log data from stdin (pipe) and writes the signed data to stdout. .SH OPTIONS .TP \-s Passphrase used to calculate signature. .TP \-S Specifies a program which writes the passphrase to stdout. .TP \-e Writes end marker when stopping data signing. .TP \-v Verification mode checking the integrity of signed data. .SH EXAMPLE Sign: TransferLog "|./bin/qssign \-s password \-e |./bin/qsrotate \-o /var/log/apache/access_log" Verify: cat access_log | qssign \-s password \-v .SH SEE ALSO qsexec(1), qsfilter2(1), qsgeo(1), qsgrep(1), qslog(1), qslogger(1), qspng(1), qsrotate(1), qstail(1) .SH AUTHOR Pascal Buchbinder, http://opensource.adnovum.ch/mod_qos/