.TH GMERLIN\-RECORD 1 "March 2012" Gmerlin "User Manuals" .SH NAME gmerlin\-record .SH SYNOPSIS .B gmerlin\-record .I [options] .SH DESCRIPTION Commandline recorder .SH OPTIONS .B \-aud .I .RS 2 Set audio recording options .RE .RS 2 .BR do_audio "=[1|0] (default: 1)" .P Record audio .P .BR plugin "=option[{suboptions}]" .P Supported options: i_alsa i_oss i_esd i_pulse i_audiofile .P Default: i_alsa .P Plugin .P .B Suboptions for plugin=i_alsa .P .RS 2 .BR card "=" .P Supported strings: default hw:0,0 hw:0,1 hw:0,2 hw:0,3 .P Default: default .P Card .P .BR channel_mode "=" .P Supported strings: mono stereo .P Default: stereo .P Channel Mode .P .BR bits "=" .P Supported strings: 8 16 .P Default: 16 .P Bits .P .BR samplerate "= (8000..96000, default: 44100)" .P Samplerate [Hz] .P .BR buffer_time "= (10..10000, default: 1000)" .P Buffer time .P Set the buffer time (in milliseconds). Larger values improve recording performance on slow systems under load. .P .BR user_device "=" .P User device .P Enter a custom device to use for recording. Leave empty to use the settings above .P .RE .B Suboptions for plugin=i_oss .P .RS 2 .BR device "= (Default: /dev/dsp)" .P Device .P .BR channel_mode "=" .P Supported strings: Mono Stereo .P Default: Stereo .P Channel Mode .P .BR bits "=" .P Supported strings: 8 16 .P Default: 16 .P Bits .P .BR samplerate "= (8000..96000, default: 44100)" .P Samplerate [Hz] .P .RE .B Suboptions for plugin=i_esd .P .RS 2 .BR esd_host "=" .P Host (empty: local) .P .BR input_mode "=" .P Supported strings: record monitor .P Default: record .P Input Mode .P .RE .B Suboptions for plugin=i_pulse .P .RS 2 .BR channel_mode "=" .P Supported strings: mono stereo .P Default: stereo .P Channel Mode .P .BR bits "=" .P Supported strings: 8 16 .P Default: 16 .P Bits .P .BR samplerate "= (8000..96000, default: 44100)" .P Samplerate [Hz] .P .BR server "=" .P Server .P Server to connect to. Leave empty for default. .P .BR dev "=" .P Source .P Source to open. Use the PulseAudio manager for available Sources. .P .RE .B Suboptions for plugin=i_audiofile .P .RS 2 .BR channel_mode "=" .P Supported strings: mono stereo .P Default: stereo .P Channel Mode .P .BR samplerate "= (8000..96000, default: 44100)" .P Samplerate [Hz] .P .BR album "=" .P Album .P .BR shuffle "=[1|0] (default: 0)" .P Shuffle .P .RE .BR language "=" .P Supported strings: aar abk ace ach ada afa afh afr aka akk ale alg amh ang apa ara arc arn arp art arw asm ath aus ava ave awa aym aze bad bai bak bal bam ban bas bat bej bel bem ben ber bho bih bik bin bis bla bnt tib bos bra bre btk bua bug bul cad cai car cat cau ceb cel cze cha chb che chg chk chm chn cho chp chr chu chv chy cmc cop cor cos cpe cpf cpp cre crp cus wel dak dan day del den ger dgr din div doi dra dua dum dyu dzo efi egy eka gre elx eng enm epo est baq ewe ewo fan fao per fat fij fin fiu fon fre frm fro fry ful fur gaa gay gba gem gez gil gla gle glg glv gmh goh gon gor got grb grc grn guj gwi hai hau haw heb her hil him hin hit hmn hmo scr hun hup arm iba ibo ijo iku ile ilo ina inc ind ine ipk ira iro ice ita jav jpn jpr kaa kab kac kal kam kan kar kas geo kau kaw kaz kha khi khm kho kik kin kir kmb kok kom kon kor kos kpe kro kru kum kur kut lad lah lam lao lat lav lez lin lit lol loz ltz lua lub lug lui lun luo lus mad mag mah mai mak mal man map mar mas mdr men mga mic min mis mac mkh mlg mlt mnc mni mno moh mol mon mos mao may mul mun mus mwr bur myn nah nai nau nav nbl nde ndo nds nep new nia nic niu dut nno nob non nor nso nub nya nym nyn nyo nzi oci oji ori orm osa oss ota oto paa pag pal pam pan pap pau peo phi pli pol pon por pra pro pus que raj rap rar roa rom rum run rus sad sag sah sai sal sam san sas sat sco sel sem sga sgn shn sid sin sio sit sla slo slv sme smi smo sna snd snk sog som son sot spa alb srd scc srr ssa ssw suk sun sus sux swa swe syr tah tai tam tat tel tem ter tet tgk tgl tha tig tir tiv tkl tli tmh tog ton tpi tsi tsn tso tuk tum tur tut tvl twi tyv uga uig ukr umb und urd uzb vai ven vie vol vot wak wal war was wen wol xho yao yap yid yor ypk zap zen zha chi znd zul zun .P Default: eng .P Language .P .RE .B -vid .I .RS 2 Set video recording options .RE .RS 2 .BR do_video "=[1|0] (default: 1)" .P Record video .P .BR plugin "=option[{suboptions}]" .P Supported options: i_v4l i_v4l2 i_x11 .P Default: i_v4l .P Plugin .P .B Suboptions for plugin=i_v4l .P .RS 2 .BR device "= (Default: /dev/video0)" .P V4L Device .P .BR resolution "=" .P Supported strings: QSIF (160x112) QCIF (176x144) QVGA (320x240) SIF(352x240) CIF (352x288) VGA (640x480) User defined .P Default: QVGA (320x240) .P Resolution .P .BR user_width "= (160..1024, default: 720)" .P User defined width .P .BR user_height "= (112..768, default: 576)" .P User defined height .P .BR brightness "= (0..65535, default: 40000)" .P Brightness .P .BR hue "= (0..65535, default: 65535)" .P Hue .P .BR colour "= (0..65535, default: 30000)" .P Colour .P .BR contrast "= (0..65535, default: 30000)" .P Contrast .P .BR whiteness "= (0..65535, default: 30000)" .P Whiteness .P .RE .B Suboptions for plugin=i_v4l2 .P .RS 2 .BR device "=option[{suboptions}]" .P Supported options: /dev/video0 .P Default: /dev/video0 .P V4L2 Device .P .BR force_rw "=[1|0] (default: 1)" .P Force read .P Don't use memory mapping .P .BR resolution "=" .P Supported strings: QSIF (160x112) QCIF (176x144) QVGA (320x240) SIF(352x240) CIF (352x288) VGA (640x480) User defined .P Default: QVGA (320x240) .P Resolution .P .BR user_width "= (160..1024, default: 720)" .P User defined width .P .BR user_height "= (112..768, default: 576)" .P User defined height .P .RE .B Suboptions for plugin=i_x11 .P .RS 2 .BR root "=[1|0] (default: 0)" .P Grab from root window .P .BR draw_cursor "=[1|0] (default: 1)" .P Draw cursor .P .BR win_ontop "=[1|0] (default: 1)" .P Keep grab window on top .P .BR win_sticky "=[1|0] (default: 1)" .P Make grab window sticky .P .BR disable_screensaver "=[1|0] (default: 1)" .P Disable screensaver .P Disable screensaver and energy saving mode .P .RE .BR do_limit_fps "=[1|0] (default: 1)" .P Limit fps .P Limit frames per second. By default, the maximum possible framerate will be used. .P .BR limit_fps "= (1.00..100.00, default: 25.00)" .P fps limit .P Specify the maximum framerate for input plugins, which can capture images really fast .P .RE .B -af .I