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snmp_target_mib(3erl) Erlang Module Definition snmp_target_mib(3erl)


snmp_target_mib - Instrumentation Functions for SNMP-TARGET-MIB


The module snmp_target_mib implements the instrumentation functions for the SNMP-TARGET-MIB, and functions for configuring the database.
The configuration files are described in the SNMP User's Manual.


transportDomain() = transportDomainUdpIpv4 | transportDomainUdpIpv6 transportAddressIPv4() = [integer()], length 4 transportAddressIPv6() = [integer()], length 8 transportAddressMask() = [integer()], length 0 (default), 6 (IPv4) or 10 (IPv6)


configure(ConfDir) -> void()
ConfDir = string()
This function is called from the supervisor at system start-up.
Inserts all data in the configuration files into the database and destroys all old rows with StorageType volatile. The rows created from the configuration file will have StorageType nonVolatile.
All snmp counters are set to zero.
If an error is found in the configuration file, it is reported using the function config_err/2 of the error report module, and the function fails with the reason configuration_error.
ConfDir is a string which points to the directory where the configuration files are found.
The configuration files read are: target_addr.conf and target_params.conf.
reconfigure(ConfDir) -> void()
ConfDir = string()
Inserts all data in the configuration files into the database and destroys all old data, including the rows with StorageType nonVolatile. The rows created from the configuration file will have StorageType nonVolatile.
Thus, the data in the SNMP-TARGET-MIB, after this function has been called, is the data from the configuration files.
All snmp counters are set to zero.
If an error is found in the configuration file, it is reported using the function config_err/2 of the , and the function fails with the reason configuration_error.
ConfDir is a string which points to the directory where the configuration files are found.
The configuration files read are: target_addr.conf and target_params.conf.
set_target_engine_id(TargetAddrName, EngineId) -> boolean()
TargetAddrName = string()
EngineId = string()
Changes the engine id for a target in the snmpTargetAddrTable. If notifications are sent as Inform requests to a target, its engine id must be set.
add_addr(Name, Ip, Port, Timeout, Retry, TagList, Params, EngineId, TMask, MMS) -> Ret
add_addr(Name, Domain, Ip, Port, Timeout, Retry, TagList, Params, EngineId, TMask, MMS) -> Ret
Name = string()
Domain = transportDomain()
Ip = transportAddressIPv4() | transportAddressIPv6() (depends on the value of Domain)
Port = integer()
Timeout = integer()
Retry = integer()
TagList = string()
ParamsName = string()
EngineId = string()
TMask = transportAddressMask() (depends on Domain)
MMS = integer()
Ret = {ok, Key} | {error, Reason}
Key = term()
Reason = term()
Adds a target address definition to the agent config. Equivalent to one line in the target_addr.conf file.
delete_addr(Key) -> Ret
Key = term()
Ret = ok | {error, Reason}
Reason = term()
Delete a target address definition from the agent config.
add_params(Name, MPModel, SecModel, SecName, SecLevel) -> Ret
Name = string()
MPModel = v1 | v2c | v3
SecModel = v1 | v2c | usm
SecName = string()
SecLevel = noAuthNoPriv | authNoPriv | authPriv
Ret = {ok, Key} | {error, Reason}
Key = term()
Reason = term()
Adds a target parameter definition to the agent config. Equivalent to one line in the target_params.conf file.
delete_params(Key) -> Ret
Key = term()
Ret = ok | {error, Reason}
Reason = term()
Delete a target parameter definition from the agent config.
snmp 4.22 Ericsson AB