.\" $Id: aut.1,v 1.1 2002/03/21 13:17:23 ludo Exp $ .\" @(#)aut.1 1.01 96/02/07 UPMC; Author : Jacomme Ludovic .TH AUT101 1 "October 1, 1997" "ASIM/LIP6" "ALLIANCE AUT LIBRARY" .SH NAME aut \- Memory allocation, and hash tables management .so wheezy/alliance/alc_origin.1.en.gz .SH DESCRIPTION \fBaut\fP is a set of utilities functions and types that may be useful. .TP Types : .TP 20 .br \fBauthelem\fP \- Hash table element type. .TP \fBauthtable\fP \- Hash table type. .TP \fBauth2elem\fP \- Hash table element type. .TP \fBauth2table\fP \- Hash table type. .TP Functions : .TP 20 .br \fBautallocblock\fP \- memory allocator .TP \fBautallocheap\fP \- heap memory allocator .TP \fBautresizeblock\fP \- resizes a memory block .TP \fBautfreeblock\fP \- releases a memory block .TP \fBautfreeheap\fP \- releases an heap memory block. .TP \fBautexit\fP \- encapsulates exit function. .TP \fBcreateauthtable\fP \- creates a simple hash table. .TP \fBdestroyauthtable\fP \- destroys a simple hash table. .TP \fBresetauthtable\fP \- resets a simple hash table. .TP \fBaddauthelem\fP \- adds an element in the hash table. .TP \fBdelauthelem\fP \- deletes an element in the hash table. .TP \fBsearchauthelem\fP \- searches an element in the hash table. .TP \fBviewauthelem\fP \- displays an hash table element. .TP \fBviewauthtable\fP \- displays an hash table. .TP \fBcreateauth2table\fP \- creates an hash table with two keys. .TP \fBdestroyauth2table\fP \- destroys an hash table with two keys. .TP \fBresetauth2table\fP \- resets an hash table with two keys. .TP \fBaddauth2elem\fP \- adds an element in the hash table. .TP \fBdelauth2elem\fP \- deletes an element in the hash table. .TP \fBsearchauth2elem\fP \- searches an element in the hash table. .TP \fBviewauth2elem\fP \- displays an hash table element. .TP \fBviewauth2table\fP \- displays an hash table with two keys. .TP \fBsortautcompare\fP \- default heap sort comparison function. .TP \fBsortautarray\fP \- heap sort. .TP 0 libAut101.a : \fBautallocblock\fP, \fBautallocblock\fP, \fBautresizeblock\fP, \fBautfreeblock\fP, \fBautfreeheap\fP, \fBautexit\fP, \fBsetauthfunc\fP, \fBgetauthsize\fP, \fBgetauthkey\fP, \fBgetauthindex\fP, \fBcheckauthkey\fP, \fBcreateauthtable\fP, \fBdestroyauthtable\fP, \fBresetauthtable\fP, \fBstretchauthtable\fP, \fBaddauthelem\fP, \fBdelauthelem\fP, \fBsearchauthelem\fP, \fBviewauthelem\fP, \fBviewauthtable\fP, \fBsetauth2func\fP, \fBgetauth2size\fP, \fBgetauth2key\fP, \fBgetauth2index\fP, \fBcheckauth2key\fP, \fBcreateauth2table\fP, \fBdestroyauth2table\fP, \fBresetauth2table\fP, \fBstretchauth2table\fP, \fBaddauth2elem\fP, \fBdelauth2elem\fP, \fBsearchauth2elem\fP, \fBviewauth2elem\fP, \fBviewauth2table\fP, \fBsortautcompare\fP, \fBsortautarray\fP, .so wheezy/alliance/alc_bug_report.1.en.gz