.\" This manpage was created with the following command and .\" then manually edited: .\" help2man -N -v "-V" -h "-h" ./screenfetch > screenfetch.1 .TH SCREENFETCH "1" "July 2014" "3.6.0" "User Commands" .SH NAME screenFetch \- The Bash Screenshot Information Tool .SH SYNOPSIS .B screenfetch \fR[OPTIONAL FLAGS] .SH DESCRIPTION This handy Bash script can be used to generate one of those nifty terminal theme information + ASCII distribution logos you see in everyone's screenshots nowadays. It will auto-detect your distribution and display an ASCII version of that distribution's logo and some valuable information to the right. There are options to specify no ascii art, colors, taking a screenshot upon displaying info, and even customizing the screenshot command! This script is very easy to add to and can easily be extended. .PP Supported GNU/Linux Distributions: .IP Arch Linux (Old and Current Logos), Antergos, Chakra, CentOS, Debian, CrunchBang, Raspbian, elementary OS, Fedora, Frugalware, Fuduntu, Gentoo, Funtoo, Jiyuu Linux, LinuxDeepin, Kali Linux, KaOS, Korora, Mageia, Mandriva, Manjaro, Linux Mint, LMDE, openSUSE, Parabola GNU/Linux-libre, Peppermint, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Sabayon, Scientific Linux, Slackware, SolusOS, TinyCore, Trisquel, Ubuntu, Viperr and Void. .PP Other Supported Systems: .IP Mac OS X, FreeBSD, DragonFlyBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Android and Cygwin. .PP Supported Desktop Managers: .IP KDE, Gnome, Unity, Xfce, LXDE, Cinnamon, MATE and RazorQt. .PP Supported Window Managers: .IP 2bwm, Awesome, Beryl, Blackbox, Cinnamon, Compiz, dminiwm, dwm, E16, E17, echinus, Emerald, FluxBox, FVWM, herbstluftwm, IceWM, KWin, Metacity, monsterwm, Musca, Gala, Mutter, Muffin, Notion, OpenBox, PekWM, Ratpoison, Sawfish, ScrotWM, SpectrWM, StumpWM, subtle, WindowMaker, WMFS, wmii, Xfwm4, XMonad and i3. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-v Verbose output. .TP .B \-o 'OPTIONS' Allows for setting script variables on the command line. Must be in the following format: .br \&'OPTION1="OPTIONARG1";OPTION2="OPTIONARG2"' .TP .B \-n Do not display ASCII distribution logo. .TP .B \-N Strip all color from output. .TP .B \-t Truncate output based on terminal width (Experimental!). .TP .B \-s(m) Using this flag tells the script that you want it to take a screenshot. Use the \fB\-u\fR flag if you would like to upload the screenshots to one of the pre-configured locations. These include: teknik, pomf, mediacrush, and hmp. .TP .B \-c string You may change the outputted colors with \fB\-c\fR. The format is as follows: [0\-9][0\-9],[0\-9][0\-9]. The first argument controls the ASCII logo colors and the label colors. The second argument controls the colors of the information found. One argument may be used without the other. .TP .B \-S 'COMMAND' Here you can specify a custom screenshot command for the script to execute. Surrounding quotes are required. .TP .B \-D 'DISTRO' Here you can specify your distribution for the script to use. Surrounding quotes are required. .TP .B \-A 'DISTRO' Here you can specify the distribution art that you want displayed. This is for when you want your distro detected but want to display a different logo. .TP .B \-E Suppress output of errors. .TP .B \-V Display current script version. .TP .B \-h Display this help. .SH "SEE ALSO" http://github.com/KittyKatt/screenFetch .SH AUTHOR Created by and licensed to Brett Bohnenkamper . OS X porting done almost solely by shrx and Hu6. .PP This manual page was written by djcj .SH REPORTING BUGS Report bugs to .SH COPYRIGHT This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU GPL version 3 or (at your option) any later version. There is NO warranty; not even MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.