.\" -*- nroff -*- .TH STAPREF 1 .SH NAME stapref \- systemtap language reference .\" macros .\" do not nest SAMPLEs .de SAMPLE .br .nr oldin \\n(.i .RS .nf .nh .. .de ESAMPLE .hy .fi .RE .in \\n[oldin]u .. .SH SYNOPSIS .br .B stapref .SH DESCRIPTION The reference for the systemtap scripting language. .SH LANGUAGE Keywords .SAMPLE \[bu] \fBbreak\fR \[bu] \fBcontinue\fR \[bu] \fBdelete\fR \[bu] \fBelse\fR \[bu] \fBexit\fR \[bu] \fBforeach\fR \[bu] \fBfor\fR \[bu] \fBfunction\fR \[bu] \fBglobal\fR \[bu] \fBprivate\fR \[bu] \fBif\fR \[bu] \fBin\fR \[bu] \fBnext\fR \[bu] \fBprobe\fR \[bu] \fBreturn\fR \[bu] \fBtry/catch\fR \[bu] \fBwhile\fR .ESAMPLE Data Types and Operators .SAMPLE Integers \[bu] var1 = 5 \[bu] \fBglobal\fR var2 = 10 Strings \[bu] var1 = "string1" \[bu] \fBglobal\fR var2 = "string2" Associative Arrays \[bu] \fBglobal\fR array1[] \[bu] \fBglobal\fR array2[SIZE] \[bu] array[index] = 5 Context Variables \[bu] \fB$\fRvar \[bu] \fB$\fRvar\fB$\fR \fI(pretty printed string form)\fP Binary numeric operators \[bu] \fB* / % + \- << >> >>> & ^ | && ||\fR Binary string operators \[bu] \fB.\fR \fI(string concatenation)\fP Numeric assignment operators \[bu] \fB= += -= *= /= %= >>= <<= &= ^= |= \fR String assignment operators \[bu] \fB= .= \fR Unary numeric operators \[bu] \fB+ \- ! ~ ++ \-\- \fR Numeric & string comparison operators \[bu] \fB< > <= >= == != \fR Regular expression matching operators \[bu] \fB=~ !~ \fR Ternary operator \[bu] cond \fB?\fR exp1 \fB:\fR exp2 Grouping operator \[bu] \fB(\fR expression \fB)\fR Array operators \[bu] array\fB[\fRindex\fB]\fR \fI(array read/write)\fP \[bu] [index] \fB\in\fR array Aggregation operator \[bu] var \fB<<<\fR value .ESAMPLE Statements .SAMPLE Jump Statements \[bu] \fBcontinue\fR \[bu] \fBbreak\fR \[bu] \fBnext\fR \fI(early return from a probe)\fP \[bu] \fBreturn\fR expression \fI(from a function)\fP \[bu] \fBtry\fR statement \fBcatch\fR (message) statement .ESAMPLE .SAMPLE Selection Statements \[bu] \fBif\fR (expression) statement \[bu] \fBelse\fR statement .ESAMPLE .SAMPLE Iteration Statements \[bu] \fBforeach\fR (variable \fBin\fR array) statement \[bu] \fBforeach\fR ([var1,var2,...] \fBin\fR array) statement \[bu] \fBfor\fR (expression; expression; expression) statement \[bu] \fBwhile\fR (expression) statement .ESAMPLE .SAMPLE Declaration Statements \[bu] \fBfunction\fR name (variable : type, ...) { statement } \[bu] \fBfunction\fR name : type (variable : type, ...) { statement } \[bu] \fBfunction\fR name : type (variable : type, ...) %{ c_statement %} \[bu] \fBprobe\fR probepoint { statement } \[bu] \fBprobe\fR label = probepoint { statement } .ESAMPLE Lexical Structure .SAMPLE Comments \[bu] \fB#\fR ... comment \[bu] \fB//\fR ... comment \[bu] \fB/*\fR ... comment ... \fB*/\fR .ESAMPLE .SAMPLE Preprocessor \[bu] \fB%(\fR expression \fB%?\fR true_tokens \fB%:\fR false_tokens \fB%)\fR \[bu] \fB@define\fR label (variable, ...) %{ statement %} .ESAMPLE Builtin Functions .SAMPLE Aggregation Builtin Functions \[bu] \fB@avg\fR (variable) \[bu] \fB@count\fR (variable) \[bu] \fB@hist_linear\fR (variable, N, N, N) \[bu] \fB@hist_log\fR (variable) \[bu] \fB@max\fR (variable) \[bu] \fB@min\fR (variable) \[bu] \fB@sum\fR (variable) .ESAMPLE .SAMPLE Output Builtin Functions \[bu] \fBprint\fR (variable) \[bu] \fBprintf\fR (format:string, variable, ...) \ where format is of the form: %[flags][width][.precision][length]specifier \[bu] \fBprintd\fR (delimiter:string, variable, ...) \[bu] \fBprintdln\fR (delimiter:string, variable, ...) \[bu] \fBprintln\fR () \[bu] \fBsprint\fR:string (variable) \[bu] \fBsprintf\fR:string (format:string, variable, ...) .ESAMPLE .SAMPLE Variable Access Builtin Functions \[bu] \fB@var\fR ("varname[@src/FILE.c]"[, "module"]) \fI(static or global)\fP \[bu] \fB@cast\fR (variable, "type_name"[, "module"]) \[bu] \fB@defined\fR (variable) \[bu] \fB@probewrite\fR (variable) .ESAMPLE Probepoints .SAMPLE Some of the more commonly used probepoints \[bu] kernel.function(PATTERN) kernel.function(PATTERN).call \[bu] kernel.function(PATTERN).return \[bu] kernel.FUNCTION (PATTERN).return.maxactive(VALUE) \[bu] kernel.FUNCTION (PATTERN).inline \[bu] kernel.FUNCTION (PATTERN).label(LPATTERN) \[bu] module(MPATTERN).FUNCTION (PATTERN) \[bu] module(MPATTERN).FUNCTION (PATTERN).call \[bu] module(MPATTERN).FUNCTION (PATTERN).return.maxactive(VALUE) \[bu] module(MPATTERN).FUNCTION (PATTERN).inline \[bu] kernel.statement(PATTERN) \[bu] kernel.statement(ADDRESS).absolute \[bu] module(MPATTERN).statement(PATTERN) \[bu] kprobe.FUNCTION (FUNCTION) \[bu] kprobe.FUNCTION (FUNCTION).return \[bu] kprobe.module(NAME).FUNCTION (FUNCTION) \[bu] kprobe.module(NAME).FUNCTION (FUNCTION).return \[bu] kprobe.statement(ADDRESS).absolute \[bu] process.begin process("PATH").begin \[bu] process(PID).begin process.thread.begin \[bu] process("PATH").thread.begin \[bu] process(PID).thread.begin \[bu] process.end \[bu] process("PATH").end \[bu] process(PID).end \[bu] process.thread.end \[bu] process("PATH").thread.end \[bu] process(PID).thread.end \[bu] process("PATH").syscall \[bu] process(PID).syscall \[bu] process.syscall.return \[bu] process("PATH").syscall.return \[bu] process(PID).syscall.return \[bu] process("PATH").FUNCTION ("NAME") \[bu] process("PATH").statement("*@FILE.c:123") \[bu] process("PATH").FUNCTION ("*").return \[bu] process("PATH").FUNCTION ("myfun").label("foo") \[bu] process("PATH").mark("LABEL") \[bu] java("PNAME").class("CLASSNAME").method("PATTERN") \[bu] java("PNAME").class("CLASSNAME").method("PATTERN").return \[bu] java(PID).class("CLASSNAME").method("PATTERN") \[bu] java(PID).class("CLASSNAME").method("PATTERN").return \[bu] python2.module("MODULENAME").function("PATTERN") \[bu] python2.module("MODULENAME").function("PATTERN").return \[bu] python3.module("MODULENAME").function("PATTERN") \[bu] python3.module("MODULENAME").function("PATTERN").return .ESAMPLE Tapset Functions .SAMPLE Some of the more commonly used tapset functions \[bu] addr:long () \[bu] backtrace:string () \[bu] caller:string () \[bu] caller_addr:long () \[bu] cmdline_arg:string (N:long) \[bu] cmdline_args:string (N:long,m:long,delim:string) \[bu] cmdline_str:string () \[bu] env_var:string (name:string) \[bu] execname:string () \[bu] int_arg:long (N:long) \[bu] isinstr:long(s1:string,s2:string) \[bu] long_arg:long (N:long) \[bu] modname:string () \[bu] module_name:string () \[bu] pid:long () \[bu] pn:string () \[bu] pointer_arg:string (N:long) \[bu] pp:string () \[bu] print_backtrace () \[bu] probefunc:string () \[bu] register:long(name:string) \[bu] str_replace:string(prnt_str:string,srch_str:string,rplc_str:string) \[bu] stringat:long(str:string,pos:long) \[bu] strlen:long(str:string) \[bu] strtol:long(str:string,base:long) \[bu] substr:string(str:string,start:long,length:long) \[bu] user_long:long(addr:long) \[bu] user_string:string(addr:long) .ESAMPLE .SH SEE ALSO .nh .nf .IR stap (1) .SH BUGS Use the Bugzilla link of the project web page or our mailing list. .nh .BR http://sourceware.org/systemtap/ , . .hy