.TH SICONOS 1 .SH NAME siconos \- Siconos C++ Compilation. .SH SYNOPSIS .B siconos [ .B \-a ] [ .B \--build-dir .I DIRECTORY ] [ .B \--clean-build ] [ .B \-c | \--clean ] [ .B \-D .I KEY [=VALUE] ] [ .B \-g ] [ .B \-h | \--help ] [ .B \-j JOBS ] [ .B \-L .I DIRECTORY ] [ .B \-l .I LIBRARY ] [ .B \--noexec ] [ .B \--nocomp ] [ .B \--opt .I C++ COMPILER OPTION ] [ .B \--ldopt .I LINKER OPTION ] [ .B \-P .I PREFIX COMMAND ] [ .B \--plugin-dir .I PLUGIN DIRECTORY ] [ .B \--plugins-dir .I PLUGINS DIRECTORY ] [ .B \--src-dir .I SOURCES DIRECTORY ] [ .B \-v ] [ .B \--generator .I Generator Name ] [ .I sample[.cpp|.py] ] [ .I arguments ] .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR siconos (1) command compiles, links and runs a Siconos C++ input file. It compiles also C plugins and runs a python script. Siconos is a free (Apache license) software, dedicated to modeling, simulation and control of Non Smooth Dynamical Systems. .SH OPTIONS The following command-line options are recognized by .BR siconos (1). .TP .BI \-a Find and compile all sources files in .I sample[.cpp|.py] directory. .TP .BI \--build-dir .I DIRECTORY Compile inside specified directory. If /tmp, temp directories are created. .TP .BI \--clean-build Clean build directory. .TP .BI \-c | .B \--clean Clean the current directory (deletes binary files, etc.). .TP .BI -D .I KEY [=VALUE] Define a 'cmake' and a 'cpp' variable. .TP .BI \-g Compile with debug information. .TP .BI \-h | .B \--help Print help. .TP .BI \-j .I JOBS NUMBER Do parallel compilation with JOBS NUMBER jobs .TP .BI \-L .I DIRECTORY Add a directory to the linker search list. .TP .BI \-l .I LIBRARY Link with a library. .TP .BI \--noexec Do not run executable after compilation. .TP .BI \--nocomp Do not compile executable before run. .TP .BI \-O .I N set compiler optimization. .TP .BI \--opt .I COMPILER OPTION Add option to compiler. .TP .BI \--ldopt .I LINKER OPTION Add option to linker. .TP .BI \-P .I PREFIX COMMAND Run a prefix command (time, valgrind, gdb, etc.). .TP .BI \--plugin-dir .I PLUGIN DIRECTORY Compile a plugin with the sources under the specified plugin directory. The name of the compiled plugin is the name of the directory. The default is a directory named plugin. .TP .BI \--plugins-dir .I PLUGINS DIRECTORY For each source file under the specified directory, compile a plugin. The default is a directory named plugins. .TP .BI \--src-dir .I SOURCES DIRECTORY add all source files under the specified directory to the compilation of the executable. .TP .BI \-v Print .BR make (1) commands as they are executed. .TP .BI \--generator .I Generator Name set the generator for cmake (the default is plateform dependent, but usually "Unix Makefiles" under *nix and MacOs). This is mainly useful for Windows users. .SH EXAMPLES siconos -gv -P "time --format '%U'" BouncingBallTS.cpp .SH SEE ALSO .I The Siconos Software Documentation .TP http://siconos.gforge.inria.fr