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BIORUBY(1) General Commands Manual BIORUBY(1)


br_pmfetch — PubMed Client


br_pmfetch [options...] ["query string"]

br_pmfetch [--query"query string"] [other options...]


This manual page documents briefly the br_pmfetch.

br_pmfetch is a command line program to query PubMed. It can take a variety of options (documented below) to restrict your search query, which is specified by the query string.


Query string for PubMed search.
Title of the article to search.
Journal title to search.
Journal volume to search.
Journal issue to search.
First page number of the article to search.
Author name to search.
MeSH term to search.
Summary output format. Options are endnote, medline, bibitem, bibtex, report, abstract nature, science, genome_res, genome_biol, nar, current, trends, cell.
Output only a list of PudMed IDs.
Number of articles to retrieve at the maximum.
Starting number of articles to retrieve.
Sort method for the summary output. Options are author, journal, pub+date.
Search articles published within recent # of days.
Search articles published after the date YYYY/MM/DD.
Search articles published before the date YYYY/MM/DD.
Output help and then exit.
Output example usages and then exit.
Output version number and then exit.


The following pages have information on the PubMed search options:


This manual page was written by David Nusinow for the Debian system (but may be used by others). Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.

On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL.