.TH PYAARLO 1 .SH NAME pyaarlo \- List devices, perform simple actions and anonymize/encrypt logs for debugging .SH SYNOPSIS \fBpyaarlo [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...\fR .SH DESCRIPTION pyaarlo is a Python module to manage Aarlo cameras. The \fBpyaarlo\fR executable performs simple actions. This manual page is for the \fBpyaarlo\fR executable. See the section "SEE ALSO" for more documentation. .SS COMMANDS Help specific to each command is available by executing \fBpyaarlo COMMAND --help\fR. .TP \fBanonymize\fR Anonymize and encrypt logs for debugging purposes. For example: .IP cat output-file | pyaarlo -u username -p password anonymize .TP \fBcamera\fR Start or stop the camera, or take thumbnails. Requires an argument from {start-stream|stop-stream|last-thumbnail}. For example: .IP pyaarlo -u username -p password camera last-thumbnail .TP \fBdecrypt\fR Decrypt from stdin. For example: .IP cat encrypted | pyaarlo decrypt .TP \fBdump\fR Print out everything that was returned from Arlo about the devices in the system. For example: .IP pyaarlo dump all .TP \fBencrypt\fR Encrypt from stdin. For example: .IP cat output-file | pyaarlo encrypt .TP \fBlist\fR Requires an argument from {all|cameras|bases|lights|doorbells}. For example: .IP pyaarlo -u username -p password list all .SS OPTIONS .TP \fB-u, --username TEXT\fR Aarlo username. .TP \fB-p, --password TEXT\fR Aarlo password. .TP \fB-a, --anonymize / --no-anonymize\fR Anonymize ids. .TP \fB-c, --compact / --no-compact\fR Minimize lists. .TP \fB-e, --encrypt / --no-encrypt\fR Where possible, encrypt output. .TP \fB-k, --public-key TEXT\fR Public key for encryption. .TP \fB-K, --private-key TEXT\fR Private key for decryption. .TP \fB-P, --pass-phrase TEXT\fR Pass phrase for private key. .TP \fB-s, --storage-dir TEXT\fR. Where to store Aarlo state and packet dump [default: (current dir)] .TP \fB-w, --wait / --no-wait\fR. Wait for all information to arrive on start-up. .TP \fB-v, --verbose\fR. More vebose with multiple -v. .TP \fB--help\fR. Show help message and exit. .SH AUTHOR This manual page was written by Carles Pina i Estany for the \fBDebian\fR system (but may be used by others). Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 3 any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. .SH SEE ALSO See Pyaarlo documentation in or available locally in , and