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REMOTECV(1) User Commands REMOTECV(1)


remotecv - OpenCV server for facial and feature recognition


usage: remotecv [-h] [-b {pyres,celery}] [--host HOST] [--port PORT]

[--database DATABASE] [--password PASSWORD] [--region REGION] [--key_id KEY_ID] [--key_secret KEY_SECRET] [--polling_interval POLLING_INTERVAL] [-l LEVEL] [-o LOADER] [-s STORE] [-t TIMEOUT] [--sentry_url SENTRY_URL] [--memcache_hosts MEMCACHE_HOSTS] ...

Runs RemoteCV.

positional arguments:


optional arguments:

show this help message and exit

Worker Backend:

Worker backend

Pyres Connection Arguments:

Redis host
Redis port
Redis database
Redis password

Celery/SQS Connection Arguments:

AWS SQS Region
AWS access key id
AWS access key secret
AWS polling interval

Other arguments:

Logging level
Loader used
Loader used
Timeout in seconds for image detection
URL used to send errors to sentry

Memcache store arguments:

Comma separated list of memcache hosts


The full documentation for remotecv is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and remotecv programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info remotecv

should give you access to the complete manual.

June 2016 remotecv 2.2.1