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PBALIGN(1) User Commands PBALIGN(1)


pbalign - Mapping PacBio sequences to references


usage: pbalign [-h] [--version] [--log-file LOG_FILE]

[--log-level {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL} | --debug | --quiet | -v] [--pdb] [--regionTable REGIONTABLE] [--configFile CONFIGFILE] [--pulseFile PULSEFILE] [--algorithm {blasr,bowtie,gmap}] [--maxHits MAXHITS] [--minAnchorSize MINANCHORSIZE] [--maxMatch MAXMATCH] [--useccs {useccs,useccsall,useccsdenovo}] [--noSplitSubreads] [--concordant] [--nproc NPROC] [--algorithmOptions ALGORITHMOPTIONS] [--maxDivergence MAXDIVERGENCE] [--minAccuracy MINACCURACY] [--minLength MINLENGTH] [--scoreCutoff SCORECUTOFF] [--hitPolicy {randombest,allbest,random,all,leftmost}] [--filterAdapterOnly] [--unaligned UNALIGNED] [--seed SEED] [--tmpDir TMPDIR] [--profile] inputFileName referencePath outputFileName

Mapping PacBio sequences to references using an algorithm selected from a selection of supported command-line alignment algorithms. Input can be a fasta, pls.h5, bas.h5 or ccs.h5 file or a fofn (file of file names). Output can be in SAM or BAM format. If output is BAM format, aligner can only be blasr and QVs will be loaded automatically. NOTE that pbalign no longer supports CMP.H5 in 3.0.

positional arguments:

SubreadSet or unaligned .bam
Reference DataSet or FASTA file
Alignment results dataset

optional arguments:

show this help message and exit
show program's version number and exit
Write the log to file. Default(None) will write to stdout. (default: None)
Set log level (default: INFO)
Alias for setting log level to DEBUG (default: False)
Alias for setting log level to CRITICAL to suppress output. (default: False)
Set the verbosity level. (default: None)
Enable Python debugger (default: False)
Print runtime profile at exit (default: False)

Optional input arguments:

Specify a region table for filtering reads. (default: None)
Specify a set of user-defined argument values. (default: None)
When input reads are in fasta format and output is a cmp.h5 this option can specify pls.h5 or bas.h5 or FOFN files from which pulse metrics can be loaded for Quiver. (default: None)

Alignment options:

Select an aligorithm from ('blasr', 'bowtie', 'gmap'). (default: blasr)
The maximum number of matches of each read to the reference sequence that will be evaluated. (default: None)
The minimum anchor size defines the length of the read that must match against the reference sequence. (default: None)
BLASR maxMatch option. (Will be overridden if is also set in algorithmOptions) (default: 30)
Map the ccsSequence to the genome first, then align subreads to the interval that the CCS reads mapped to. useccs: only maps subreads that span the length of the template. useccsall: maps all subreads. useccsdenovo: maps ccs only. (default: None)
Do not split reads into subreads even if subread regions are available. (default: False)
Map subreads of a ZMW to the same genomic location. (default: False)
Number of threads. (default: 8)
Pass alignment options through. (default: None)

Filter criteria options:

The maximum allowed percentage divergence of a read from the reference sequence. (default: 30.0)
The minimum concordance of alignments that will be evaluated. (default: 70.0)
The minimum aligned read length of alignments that will be evaluated. (default: 50)
The worst score to output an alignment. (default: None)
Specify a policy for how to treat multiple hit random : selects a random hit. all : selects all hits. allbest : selects all the best score hits. randombest: selects a random hit from all best score hits. leftmost : selects a hit which has the best score and the smallest mapping coordinate in any reference. (default: randombest)
If specified, do not report adapter-only hits using annotations with the reference entry. (default: False)

Miscellaneous options:

Output names of unaligned reads to specified file. (default: None)
Initialize the random number generator with a nonezero integer. Zero means that current system time is used. (default: 1)
Specify a directory for saving temporary files. (default: /tmp)


This manpage was written by Andreas Tille for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.

October 2018 pbalign 0.3.1