.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc .\" .TH "nala-install" "1" "19 Jul 2022" "0.10.0" "'Nala User Manual'" .hy .SH NAME .PP nala-install - install packages .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \f[B]nala install\f[R] [\f[I]--options\f[R]] PKGS ... .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Install works similar to the way it does in \f[B]apt\f[R]. .PP \f[B]nala\f[R] takes multiple packages as arguments and will install all of them. .SH OPTIONS .TP \f[B]--purge\f[R] Purge any packages that would removed during the transaction. .TP \f[B]--debug\f[R] Print helpful information for solving issues. If you\[aq]re submitting a bug report try running the command again with \f[I]--debug\f[R] and providing the output to the devs, it may be helpful. .TP \f[B]--raw-dpkg\f[R] Force \f[B]nala\f[R] not to format \f[B]dpkg\f[R] output. .RS .PP This disables all formatting and it would look as if you were using \f[B]apt\f[R]. .PP A more indepth explanation for what this switch does, \f[B]nala\f[R] will fork a tty instead of a pty for \f[B]dpkg\f[R]. .PP \f[B]nala\f[R] will also not display a progress bar for \f[B]dpkg\f[R] with this turned on. Additionally the language of the output will not be forced into English for this mode. .RE .TP \f[B]-d\f[R], \f[B]--download-only\f[R] Packages are only retrieved, not unpacked or installed. .TP \f[B]--remove-essential\f[R] Allow the removal of essential packages. .RS .PP This is very dangerous, but we thought you should have the option. .RE .PP \f[B]--assume-yes\f[R], \f[B]--assume-no\f[R] .RS .PP \f[I]-y\f[R], \f[I]--assume-yes\f[R] .RS .PP Automatically select \f[I]yes\f[R] for any prompts which may need your input. .PP If the configuration option \f[I]assume_yes\f[R] is true, this switch will set it back to default behavior .RE .PP \f[I]-n\f[R], \f[I]--assume-no\f[R] .RS .PP Automatically select \f[I]no\f[R] for any prompts which may need your input. .RE .RE .TP \f[B]-o\f[R], \f[B]--option\f[R] Set options to pass through to \f[B]apt\f[R], \f[B]nala\f[R], or \f[B]dpkg\f[R]. .RS .TP Example: Force \f[B]dpkg\f[R] to install new config files without prompting: .RS .RS .PP \f[B]nala install --option\f[R] \f[I]Dpkg::Options::=\[dq]--force-confnew\[dq]\f[R] .RE .PP Disable scrolling text for \f[B]nala\f[R] .RS .PP \f[B]nala install --option\f[R] \f[I]Nala::scrolling_text=\[dq]false\[dq]\f[R] .RE .PP Allow \f[B]nala\f[R] to \f[B]update\f[R] unauthenticated repositories: .RS .PP \f[B]nala install --option\f[R]* \f[I]APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated=\[dq]true\[dq]\f[R] .RE .RE .RE .TP \f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]--verbose\f[R] Disable scrolling text and print extra information .TP \f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]--help\f[R] Shows this man page. .TP \f[B]--autoremove\f[R], \f[B]--no-autoremove\f[R] \f[I]--autoremove\f[R] .RS .RS .PP Automatically remove any packages that are no longer needed. .PP This variant is the \f[B]default\f[R] .RE .PP \f[I]--no-autoremove\f[R] .RS .PP Do \f[B]NOT\f[R] Automatically remove any packages .RE .RE .TP \f[B]--update\f[R], \f[B]--no-update\f[R] \f[I]--update\f[R] .RS .RS .PP Update the package list before the requested operation. .PP Example: .RS .PP \f[B]nala install\f[R] \f[I]--update\f[R] \f[B]neofetch\f[R] .PP is equivalent to .PP \f[B]apt update\f[R] && \f[B]apt install neofetch\f[R] .RE .PP [Default for: \f[B]upgrade\f[R]] .RE .PP \f[I]--no-update\f[R] .RS .PP Do \f[B]NOT\f[R] update the package list before the requested operation. .PP [Default for: \f[B]install\f[R], \f[B]remove\f[R], \f[B]purge\f[R], \f[B]autoremove\f[R], \f[B]autopurge\f[R]] .RE .RE .TP \f[B]--install-recommends\f[R], \f[B]--no-install-recommends\f[R] \f[I]--install-recommends\f[R] .RS .RS .PP Recommended packages will be installed. .PP This variant is the \f[B]default\f[R] .RE .PP \f[I]--no-install-recommends\f[R] .RS .PP Recommended package will \f[B]NOT\f[R] be installed. .PP If this option is selected \f[B]nala\f[R] will display the recommended packages that will not be installed. .RE .RE .TP \f[B]--fix-broken\f[R], \f[B]--no-fix-broken\f[R] \f[I]--fix-broken\f[R] .RS .RS .PP Attempts to fix broken packages. .PP This variant is the \f[B]default\f[R] .RE .PP \f[I]--no-fix-broken\f[R] .RS .PP Stops \f[B]nala\f[R] from performing extra checks. .PP \f[I]This can result in a broken install\f[R]! .RE .PP If you just want to fix broken packages: .RS .PP \f[B]nala install\f[R] \f[I]--fix-broken\f[R] .RE .RE .SH COPYRIGHT .PP Copyright (C) 2021, 2022 Blake Lee