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mintpy-tropo_pyaps3 - Tropospheric correction using weather models


usage: [-h] [-f DIS_FILE] [-d [DATE_LIST ...]] [--hour HOUR]

[-o COR_DIS_FILE] [-m {ERA5}] [--delay {wet,dry,comb}]
[-w WEATHER_DIR] [-g GEOM_FILE] [--custom-height CUSTOM_HEIGHT] [--tropo-file TROPO_FILE] [--verbose]

Tropospheric correction using weather models

PyAPS is used to download and calculate the delay for each acquisition.


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timeseries HDF5 file, i.e. timeseries.h5
List of dates in YYYYMMDD or YYMMDD format. It can be: a) list of strings in YYYYMMDD or YYMMDD format OR b) a text file with the first column as list of date in YYYYMMDD or YYMMDD format OR c) a text file with Sentinel-1 SAFE filenames e.g.: SAFE_files.txt:
/data/SanAndreasSenDT42/SLC/ ...
time of data in HH, e.g. 12, 06
Output file name for trospheric corrected timeseries.

delay calculation:

source of the atmospheric model (default: ERA5).
Delay type to calculate, comb contains both wet and dry delays (default: comb).
parent directory of downloaded weather data file (default: ${WEATHER_DIR}). e.g.: --weather-dir ~/data/aux atmosphere/
ERA5_N20_N40_E120_E140_20060624_14.grb ERA5_N20_N40_E120_E140_20060924_14.grb ...
merra-20110126-06.nc4 merra-20110313-06.nc4 ...
geometry file including height, incidenceAngle and/or latitude and longitude
[for testing] specify a custom height value for delay calculation.
tropospheric delay file name
Verbose message.


Jolivet, R., R. Grandin, C. Lasserre, M.-P. Doin and G. Peltzer (2011), Systematic InSAR tropospheric phase delay corrections from global meteorological reanalysis data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L17311, doi:10.1029/2011GL048757
Jolivet, R., P. S. Agram, N. Y. Lin, M. Simons, M. P. Doin, G. Peltzer, and Z. Li (2014), Improving InSAR geodesy using global atmospheric models, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119(3), 2324-2341, doi:10.1002/2013JB010588.
# ERA5 Hersbach, H., Bell, B., Berrisford, P., Hirahara, S., Hor??nyi, A., Mu??oz-Sabater, J., et al. (2020). The ERA5 global reanalysis. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 146(730), 1999???2049.

Global Atmospheric Models:

coverage temp_resolution spatial_resolution latency assimilation
(ECMWF) global hourly 0.25 deg (~31 km) 3 months (5 days) 4D-Var
(ECMWF) global 6-hourly 0.75 deg (~79 km) 2 months 4D-Var
global 6-hourly 0.5*0.625 (~50 km) 2-3 weeks 3D-Var
(NOAA, working from Jan 1979 to Oct 2014)

Notes for data access:

For MERRA2, you need an Earthdata account, and pre-authorize the "NASA GESDISC DATA ARCHIVE" application
For ERA5 from CDS, you need to agree to the Terms of Use of every datasets that you intend to download.


# download datasets, calculate tropospheric delays and correct time-series file. -f timeseries.h5 -g inputs/geometryRadar.h5 -f filt_fine.unw -g ../../../mintpy/inputs/geometryRadar.h5
# download datasets, calculate tropospheric delays -d date.list --hour 12 -m ERA5 -g inputs/geometryGeo.h5 -d 20151002 20151003 --hour 12 -m MERRA -g inputs/geometryRadar.h5
# download datasets (covering the whole world) -d date.list --hour 12 -d SAFE_files.txt # download datasets (covering the area of interest) -d SAFE_files.txt -g inputs/geometryRadar.h5
May 2022 mintpy-tropo_pyaps3 v1.3.3