.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.49.2. .TH MINTPY-SAVE_QGIS "1" "May 2022" "mintpy-save_qgis v1.3.3" "User Commands" .SH NAME mintpy-save_qgis \- Convert to QGIS compatible ps time\-series .SH DESCRIPTION usage: save_qgis.py [\-h] \fB\-g\fR GEOM_FILE [\-o SHP_FILE] [\-b Y0 Y1 X0 X1] .TP [\-B S N W E] ts_file .PP Convert to QGIS compatible ps time\-series .SS "positional arguments:" .TP ts_file time\-series HDF5 file .SS "options:" .TP \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR show this help message and exit .TP \fB\-g\fR GEOM_FILE, \fB\-\-geom\fR GEOM_FILE geometry HDF5 file .TP \fB\-o\fR SHP_FILE, \fB\-\-outshp\fR SHP_FILE Output shape file. .TP \fB\-b\fR Y0 Y1 X0 X1, \fB\-\-bbox\fR Y0 Y1 X0 X1 bounding box : minLine maxLine minPixel maxPixel .TP \fB\-B\fR S N W E, \fB\-\-geo\-bbox\fR S N W E bounding box in lat lon: South North West East .SS "example:" .IP save_qgis.py timeseries_ERA5_ramp_demErr.h5 \fB\-g\fR inputs/geometrygeo.h5 save_qgis.py timeseries_ERA5_ramp_demErr.h5 \fB\-g\fR inputs/geometryRadar.h5 save_qgis.py geo/geo_timeseries_ERA5_ramp_demErr.h5 \fB\-g\fR geo/geo_geometryRadar.h5 save_qgis.py timeseries_ERA5_ramp_demErr.h5 \fB\-g\fR inputs/geometryRadar.h5 \fB\-b\fR 200 150 400 350