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mintpy-geocode - Resample radar coded files into geo coordinates, or reverse


usage: [-h] [-d DSET] [-l LOOKUPFILE] [--lat-file LATFILE]

[--lon-file LONFILE] [--geo2radar] [-t TEMPLATEFILE] [-b S N W E] [--lalo LAT_STEP LON_STEP] [-i {nearest,linear}] [--fill FILLVALUE] [-n NPROCS] [--software {pyresample,scipy}] [--update] [-o OUTFILE] [--outdir OUT_DIR] [--ram MAXMEMORY] file [file ...]

Resample radar coded files into geo coordinates, or reverse

positional arguments:

File(s) to be geocoded


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dataset to be geocoded, for example: height for geometryRadar.h5 unwrapPhase-20100114_20101017 for ifgramStack.h5
Lookup table file generated by InSAR processors.
lookup table file for latitude.
lookup table file for longitude.
resample geocoded files into radar coordinates. ONLY for lookup table in radar-coord (ISCE, Doris).
Template file with geocoding options.
skip resampling if output file exists and newer than input file
output file name. Default: add prefix 'geo_'
output directory.
Max amount of memory in GB to use (default: 4.0). Adjust according to your computer memory.

grid in geo-coordinates:

Bounding box for the area of interest. using coordinates of the uppler left corner of the first pixel
for radar2geo, it's the output spatial extent for geo2radar, it's the input spatial extent
output pixel size in degree in latitude / longitude. degrees --> meters on equator 0.000925926 --> 100 0.000833334 --> 90 0.000555556 --> 60 0.000462963 --> 50 0.000277778 --> 30 0.000185185 --> 20 0.000092593 --> 10


interpolation/resampling method (default: nearest).
Fill value for extrapolation (default: nan).
number of processors to be used for calculation (default: 1). Note: Do not use more processes than available processor cores.
software/module used for interpolation (default: pyresample) Note: --bbox is not supported for -p scipy

template options:

# for input dataset in radar coordinates only # commonly used resolution in meters and in degrees (on equator) # 100, 60, 50, 30, 20, 10 # 0.000925926, 0.000555556, 0.000462963, 0.000277778, 0.000185185, 0.000092593 mintpy.geocode = auto #[yes / no], auto for yes mintpy.geocode.SNWE = auto #[-1.2,0.5,-92,-91 / none ], auto for none, output extent in degree mintpy.geocode.laloStep = auto #[-0.000555556,0.000555556 / None], auto for None, output resolution in degree mintpy.geocode.interpMethod = auto #[nearest], auto for nearest, interpolation method mintpy.geocode.fillValue = auto #[np.nan, 0, ...], auto for np.nan, fill value for outliers.

example: velocity.h5 velocity.h5 -b -0.5 -0.25 -91.3 -91.1 velocity.h5 timeseries.h5 -t smallbaselineApp.cfg --outdir ./geo --update
# geocode file using ISCE-2 lat/lon.rdr file --lat-file ../../geom_reference/lat.rdr --lon-file ../../geom_reference/lon.rdr
# radar-code file in geo coordinates swbdLat_S02_N01_Lon_W092_W090.wbd -l geometryRadar.h5 -o waterMask.rdr --geo2radar geo_velocity.h5 --geo2radar
May 2022 mintpy-geocode v1.3.3