.ftr C B .TH "MU VIEW" "1" .SH "NAME" .PP mu-view - display an e-mail message file .SH "SYNOPSIS" .PP mu [common options] view [options] [ ...] .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP \fBmu view\fP is the \fBmu\fP command for displaying e-mail message files. It works on message files and does \fInot\fP require the message to be indexed in the database. .PP The command shows some common headers (From:, To:, Cc:, Bcc:, Subject: and Date:), the list of attachments and either the plain-text or html body of the message (if any), or its s-expression representation. .PP If no message file is provided, the command reads the message from standard-input. .SH "VIEW OPTIONS" .SS "--format,-o = " .PP use the given output format, one of: .IP \(em 4 \fCplain\fP - use the plain-text body; this is the default .IP \(em 4 \fChtml\fP - use the HTML body .IP \(em 4 \fCsexp\fP - show the S-expression representation of the message .SS "--summary-len=" .PP instead of displaying the full message, output a summary based upon the first \fI\fP lines of the message. .SS "--terminate" .PP terminate messages with \\​f (\fIform\-feed\fP) characters when displaying them. This is useful when you want to further process them. .SS "--decrypt" .PP attempt to decrypt encrypted message bodies. This is only possible if \fBmu\fP was built with crypto-support. .SS "--auto-retrieve" .PP attempt to retrieve crypto-keys automatically from the network, when needed. .SH "COMMON OPTIONS" .SS "-d, --debug" .PP makes mu generate extra debug information, useful for debugging the program itself. By default, debug information goes to the log file, ~/.cache/mu/mu.log. It can safely be deleted when mu is not running. When running with --debug option, the log file can grow rather quickly. See the note on logging below. .SS "-q, --quiet" .PP causes mu not to output informational messages and progress information to standard output, but only to the log file. Error messages will still be sent to standard error. Note that mu index is much faster with --quiet, so it is recommended you use this option when using mu from scripts etc. .SS "--log-stderr" .PP causes mu to not output log messages to standard error, in addition to sending them to the log file. .SS "--nocolor" .PP do not use ANSI colors. The environment variable \fCNO_COLOR\fP can be used as an alternative to \fC\-\-nocolor\fP. .SS "-V, --version" .PP prints mu version and copyright information. .SS "-h, --help" .PP lists the various command line options. .SH "BUGS" nil .SH "SEE ALSO" .PP \fBmu(1)\fP