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Lintian::Processable::Scripts(3) Debian Package Checker Lintian::Processable::Scripts(3)


Lintian::Processable::Scripts - access to collected scripts data


    use Lintian::Processable;
    my $processable = Lintian::Processable::Binary->new;


Lintian::Processable::Scripts provides an interface to script data for packages.


Returns a hashref mapping a FILE to its script/interpreter information (if FILE is a script). If FILE is not a script, it is not in the hash (and callers should use exists to test membership to ensure this invariant holds).

The value for a given FILE consists of a table with the following keys (and associated value):

Returns a truth value if the script uses env (/usr/bin/env or /bin/env) in the "#!". Otherwise it is "undef".
This is the interpreter used. If calls_env is true, this will be the first argument to env. Otherwise it will be the command listed after the "#!".

NB: Some template files have "#!" lines like "#!@PERL@" or "#!perl". In this case, this value will be @PERL@ or perl (respectively).

Return the file name of the script. This will be identical to key to look up this table.

Needs-Info requirements for using scripts: scripts

Returns the cached scripts information.
True if PATH is a script.

Needs-Info requirements for using is_script: scripts


Originally written by Felix Lechner <> for Lintian.


lintian(1), Lintian::Collect, Lintian::Collect::Binary, Lintian::Collect::Source

2020-02-23 Lintian v2.55.0