.TH "__gnu_cxx::hash_multimap< _Key, _Tp, _HashFn, _EqualKey, _Alloc >" 3cxx "Mon Mar 23 2020" "libstdc++" \" -*- nroff -*- .ad l .nh .SH NAME __gnu_cxx::hash_multimap< _Key, _Tp, _HashFn, _EqualKey, _Alloc > .SH SYNOPSIS .br .PP .SS "Public Types" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "typedef _Ht::allocator_type \fBallocator_type\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef _Ht::const_iterator \fBconst_iterator\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef _Ht::const_pointer \fBconst_pointer\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef _Ht::const_reference \fBconst_reference\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef _Tp \fBdata_type\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef _Ht::difference_type \fBdifference_type\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef _Ht::hasher \fBhasher\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef _Ht::iterator \fBiterator\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef _Ht::key_equal \fBkey_equal\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef _Ht::key_type \fBkey_type\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef _Tp \fBmapped_type\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef \fB_Ht::pointer\fP \fBpointer\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef \fB_Ht::reference\fP \fBreference\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef _Ht::size_type \fBsize_type\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef \fB_Ht::value_type\fP \fBvalue_type\fP" .br .in -1c .SS "Public Member Functions" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "template \fBhash_multimap\fP (_InputIterator __f, _InputIterator __l)" .br .ti -1c .RI "template \fBhash_multimap\fP (_InputIterator __f, _InputIterator __l, size_type __n)" .br .ti -1c .RI "template \fBhash_multimap\fP (_InputIterator __f, _InputIterator __l, size_type __n, const hasher &__hf)" .br .ti -1c .RI "template \fBhash_multimap\fP (_InputIterator __f, _InputIterator __l, size_type __n, const hasher &__hf, const key_equal &__eql, const allocator_type &__a=allocator_type())" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fBhash_multimap\fP (size_type __n)" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fBhash_multimap\fP (size_type __n, const hasher &__hf)" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fBhash_multimap\fP (size_type __n, const hasher &__hf, const key_equal &__eql, const allocator_type &__a=allocator_type())" .br .ti -1c .RI "iterator \fBbegin\fP ()" .br .ti -1c .RI "const_iterator \fBbegin\fP () const" .br .ti -1c .RI "size_type \fBbucket_count\fP () const" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBclear\fP ()" .br .ti -1c .RI "size_type \fBcount\fP (const key_type &__key) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "size_type \fBelems_in_bucket\fP (size_type __n) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "bool \fBempty\fP () const" .br .ti -1c .RI "iterator \fBend\fP ()" .br .ti -1c .RI "const_iterator \fBend\fP () const" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fBpair\fP< iterator, iterator > \fBequal_range\fP (const key_type &__key)" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fBpair\fP< const_iterator, const_iterator > \fBequal_range\fP (const key_type &__key) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "size_type \fBerase\fP (const key_type &__key)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBerase\fP (iterator __f, iterator __l)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBerase\fP (iterator __it)" .br .ti -1c .RI "iterator \fBfind\fP (const key_type &__key)" .br .ti -1c .RI "const_iterator \fBfind\fP (const key_type &__key) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "allocator_type \fBget_allocator\fP () const" .br .ti -1c .RI "hasher \fBhash_funct\fP () const" .br .ti -1c .RI "template void \fBinsert\fP (_InputIterator __f, _InputIterator __l)" .br .ti -1c .RI "iterator \fBinsert\fP (const \fBvalue_type\fP &__obj)" .br .ti -1c .RI "iterator \fBinsert_noresize\fP (const \fBvalue_type\fP &__obj)" .br .ti -1c .RI "key_equal \fBkey_eq\fP () const" .br .ti -1c .RI "size_type \fBmax_bucket_count\fP () const" .br .ti -1c .RI "size_type \fBmax_size\fP () const" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBresize\fP (size_type __hint)" .br .ti -1c .RI "size_type \fBsize\fP () const" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBswap\fP (\fBhash_multimap\fP &__hs)" .br .in -1c .SS "Friends" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "template bool \fBoperator==\fP (const \fBhash_multimap\fP< _K1, _T1, _HF, _EqK, _Al > &, const \fBhash_multimap\fP< _K1, _T1, _HF, _EqK, _Al > &)" .br .in -1c .SH "Detailed Description" .PP .SS "template, class _EqualKey = equal_to<_Key>, class _Alloc = allocator<_Tp>> .br class __gnu_cxx::hash_multimap< _Key, _Tp, _HashFn, _EqualKey, _Alloc >" This is an SGI extension\&. .PP \fBTodo\fP .RS 4 \\nNeeds documentation! See http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/manual/documentation_style.html .RE .PP .PP Definition at line 296 of file hash_map\&. .SH "Author" .PP Generated automatically by Doxygen for libstdc++ from the source code\&.