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Parmap - Module Parmap: efficient parallel map, fold and mapfold on lists and arrays on multicores.


Module Parmap


Module Parmap
: sig end

Module Parmap : efficient parallel map, fold and mapfold on lists and arrays on multicores.

All the primitives allow one to control the granularity of the parallelism via an optional parameter chunksize : if chunksize is omitted, the input sequence is split evenly among the available cores; if chunksize is specified, the input data is split in chunks of size chunksize and dispatched to the available cores using an on demand strategy that ensures automatic load balancing.

A specific primitive array_float_parmap is provided for fast operations on float arrays.

Setting and getting the default value for ncores

val set_default_ncores : int -> unit

val get_default_ncores : unit -> int

Getting ncores being used during parallel execution

val get_ncores : unit -> int

Enabling/disabling processes core pinning

val disable_core_pinning : unit -> unit

disable_core_pinning () will prevent forked out processes from being pinned to a specific core. WARNING: this may have a negative impact on performance, but might be necessary on systems where several parmap computations are running concurrently.

val enable_core_pinning : unit -> unit

enable_core_pinning () turns on core pinning (it is on by default).

Setting and getting an explicitly mapping from processes to cores

val set_core_mapping : int array -> unit

set_core_mapping m installs the array m as the mapping to be used to pin processes to cores. Process i will be pinned to core m.(i mod Array.length m) .

Getting the current worker rank. The master process has rank -1. Other processes

have the rank at which they were forked out (a worker's rank is in 0..ncores-1)

val get_rank : unit -> int

Sequence type, subsuming lists and arrays

type 'a sequence =
| L of 'a list
| A of 'a array

The parmapfold , parfold and parmap generic functions, for efficiency reasons, convert the input data into an array internally, so we provide the 'a sequence type to allow passing an array directly as input. If you want to perform a parallel map operation on an array, use array_parmap or array_float_parmap instead.

Optional init and finalize functions

The optional init (resp. finalize ) function is called once by each child process just after creation (resp. just before exit). init and finalize both default to doing nothing. init i takes the child rank i as parameter (first forked child has rank 0, next 1, etc.).

Parallel mapfold

val parmapfold : ?init:(int -> unit) -> ?finalize:(unit -> unit) -> ?ncores:int -> ?chunksize:int -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a sequence -> ('b -> 'c -> 'c) -> 'c -> ('c -> 'c -> 'c) -> 'c

parmapfold ~ncores:n f (L l) op b concat computes List.fold_right op ( f l) b by forking n processes on a multicore machine. You need to provide the extra concat operator to combine the partial results of the fold computed on each core. If 'b = 'c, then concat may be simply op . The order of computation in parallel changes w.r.t. sequential execution, so this function is only correct if op and concat are associative and commutative. If the optional chunksize parameter is specified, the processes compute the result in an on-demand fashion on blocks of size chunksize . parmapfold ~ncores:n f (A a) op b concat computes Array.fold_right op ( f a) b

Parallel fold

val parfold : ?init:(int -> unit) -> ?finalize:(unit -> unit) -> ?ncores:int -> ?chunksize:int -> ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a sequence -> 'b -> ('b -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b

parfold ~ncores:n op (L l) b concat computes List.fold_right op l b by forking n processes on a multicore machine. You need to provide the extra concat operator to combine the partial results of the fold computed on each core. If 'b = 'c, then concat may be simply op . The order of computation in parallel changes w.r.t. sequential execution, so this function is only correct if op and concat are associative and commutative. If the optional chunksize parameter is specified, the processes compute the result in an on-demand fashion on blocks of size chunksize . parfold ~ncores:n op (A a) b concat similarly computes Array.fold_right op a b .

Parallel map

val parmap : ?init:(int -> unit) -> ?finalize:(unit -> unit) -> ?ncores:int -> ?chunksize:int -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a sequence -> 'b list

parmap ~ncores:n f (L l) computes f l by forking n processes on a multicore machine. parmap ~ncores:n f (A a) computes f a by forking n processes on a multicore machine. If the optional chunksize parameter is specified, the processes compute the result in an on-demand fashion on blocks of size chunksize ; this provides automatic load balancing for unbalanced computations, but the order of the result is no longer guaranteed to be preserved.

Parallel iteration

val pariter : ?init:(int -> unit) -> ?finalize:(unit -> unit) -> ?ncores:int -> ?chunksize:int -> ('a -> unit) -> 'a sequence -> unit

pariter ~ncores:n f (L l) computes List.iter f l by forking n processes on a multicore machine. parmap ~ncores:n f (A a) computes Array.iter f a by forking n processes on a multicore machine. If the optional chunksize parameter is specified, the processes perform the computation in an on-demand fashion on blocks of size chunksize ; this provides automatic load balancing for unbalanced computations.

Parallel mapfold, indexed

val parmapifold : ?init:(int -> unit) -> ?finalize:(unit -> unit) -> ?ncores:int -> ?chunksize:int -> (int -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a sequence -> ('b -> 'c -> 'c) -> 'c -> ('c -> 'c -> 'c) -> 'c

Like parmapfold, but the map function gets as an extra argument the index of the mapped element

Parallel map, indexed

val parmapi : ?init:(int -> unit) -> ?finalize:(unit -> unit) -> ?ncores:int -> ?chunksize:int -> (int -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a sequence -> 'b list

Like parmap, but the map function gets as an extra argument the index of the mapped element

Parallel iteration, indexed

val pariteri : ?init:(int -> unit) -> ?finalize:(unit -> unit) -> ?ncores:int -> ?chunksize:int -> (int -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a sequence -> unit

Like pariter, but the iterated function gets as an extra argument the index of the sequence element

Parallel map on arrays

val array_parmap : ?init:(int -> unit) -> ?finalize:(unit -> unit) -> ?ncores:int -> ?chunksize:int -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a array -> 'b array

array_parmap ~ncores:n f a computes f a by forking n processes on a multicore machine. If the optional chunksize parameter is specified, the processes compute the result in an on-demand fashion on blochs of size chunksize ; this provides automatic load balancing for unbalanced computations, but the order of the result is no longer guaranteed to be preserved.

Parallel map on arrays, indexed

val array_parmapi : ?init:(int -> unit) -> ?finalize:(unit -> unit) -> ?ncores:int -> ?chunksize:int -> (int -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a array -> 'b array

Like array_parmap, but the map function gets as an extra argument the index of the mapped element

Parallel map on float arrays

exception WrongArraySize

type buf

val init_shared_buffer : float array -> buf

init_shared_buffer a creates a new memory mapped shared buffer big enough to hold a float array of the size of a . This buffer can be reused in a series of calls to array_float_parmap , avoiding the cost of reallocating it each time.

val array_float_parmap : ?init:(int -> unit) -> ?finalize:(unit -> unit) -> ?ncores:int -> ?chunksize:int -> ?result:float array -> ?sharedbuffer:buf -> ('a -> float) -> 'a array -> float array

array_float_parmap ~ncores:n f a computes f a by forking n processes on a multicore machine, and preallocating the resulting array as shared memory, which allows significantly more efficient computation than calling the generic array_parmap function. If the optional chunksize parameter is specified, the processes compute the result in an on-demand fashion on blochs of size chunksize ; this provides automatic load balancing for unbalanced computations, *and* the order of the result is still guaranteed to be preserved.

In case you already have at hand an array where to store the result, you can squeeze out some more cpu cycles by passing it as optional parameter result : this will avoid the creation of a result array, which can be costly for very large data sets. Raises WrongArraySize if result is too small to hold the data.

It is possible to share the same preallocated shared memory space across calls, by initialising the space calling init_shared_buffer a and passing the result as the optional sharedbuffer parameter to each subsequent call to array_float_parmap . Raises WrongArraySize if sharedbuffer is too small to hold the input data.

Parallel map on float arrays, indexed

val array_float_parmapi : ?init:(int -> unit) -> ?finalize:(unit -> unit) -> ?ncores:int -> ?chunksize:int -> ?result:float array -> ?sharedbuffer:buf -> (int -> 'a -> float) -> 'a array -> float array

Like array_float_parmap, but the map function gets as an extra argument the index of the mapped element


val debugging : bool -> unit

Enable or disable debugging code in the library; default: false

Helper function for redirection of stdout and stderr

val redirect : ?path:string -> id:int -> unit

Helper function that redirects stdout and stderr to files located in the directory path , carrying names of the shape stdout.NNN and stderr.NNN where NNN is the id of the used core. Useful when writing initialisation functions to be passed as init argument to the parallel combinators. The default value for path is /tmp/.parmap.PPPP with PPPP the process id of the main program.

2019-11-06 OCamldoc