.\" .\" $Id: gopen_gks.m,v 1.16 2008-12-23 00:03:04 haley Exp $ .\" .TH GOPEN_GKS 3NCARG "March 1993" UNIX "NCAR GRAPHICS" .SH NAME gopen_gks \- opens the GKS package .SH SYNOPSIS #include .sp void gopen_gks(const char *err_file, size_t mem_unit); .SH DESCRIPTION .IP err_file 12 (Input) \- The place to which error messages are to be written. Typically this should be "stdout". .IP mem_unit 12 (Input) \- The dimension of an internal buffer. Currently in NCAR GKS-0A, mem_unit is ignored. .SH USAGE To get output to any workstation, gopen_gks, gopen_ws and gactivate_ws must be called in that order. For jobs producing only CGM output, the three calls to gopen_gks, gopen_ws, and gactivate_ws can be replaced with a call to the SPPS function c_opngks(). .SH ACCESS To use the GKS C-binding routines, load the ncarg_gks and ncarg_c libraries. .SH SEE ALSO Online: .BR gopen_ws(3NCARG), .BR gactivate_ws(3NCARG), .BR gdeactivate_ws(3NCARG), .BR gclose_ws(3NCARG), .BR gclose_gks(3NCARG), .BR gupd_ws(3NCARG), .BR opngks(3NCARG), .BR clsgks(3NCARG), .BR gks(3NCARG), .BR ncarg_gks_cbind(3NCARG) .sp Hardcopy: User's Guide for NCAR GKS-0A Graphics; NCAR Graphics Fundamentals, UNIX Version .SH COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 1987-2009 .br University Corporation for Atmospheric Research .br The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.